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Feedback on levels 9396-9440!



  • Andres-2
    Andres-2 Posts: 4,536
    edited May 2021

    Hi @LindQ Feedback on levels 9411-9425

    This episode is very difficult to pass.

    9416 Reduce a layer of sugarcoat where the cherries are.

    9419 Impossible without boosters and having a good board must be modified.

    9424 The worst level of all to pass I had to use boosters, Lucky Candy, have Candy Necklace to complete the order of waffles and lower all the cherries.

  • juja
    juja Posts: 42

    Level 3


  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    The cherries are not based on moves. In this level the cherries spawn in after you've collected cherries. You get rid of 2, 2 more spawn in. In some other levels they are based on moves though. We are not going to stop adjusting levels, since this is something we've done for 9 years. It's necessary to make sure we have both hard and easy levels for all players to get through.

    We have throughput for this level (which means players are passing it), so it's not impossible by any means. However, it is a bit more difficult than we'd like so I will be sending out a tweak for it today (despite it being the weekend). But right now levels like 9406 are actually harder (and will also get a bit of a tweak down).

  • juja
    juja Posts: 42

    Level 3

    I've been playing this game for 9 years. Only recently I've noticed that you adjust the number of moves. It was not the case before. If so many people complain and say the level is impossible to pass, I guess, they are right. We want to enjoy the game, like it used to be and not sitting on on one level for days. Like 9424. But, thanks for looking into it at least.

  • John_0510
    John_0510 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    edited May 2021

    @LindQ wow. You’re Still not admitting that 9424 is impossible but “you’re tweaking it” cause it’s a bit “more difficult”. I’m resending my screenshot that with 0 moves, there are 8 waffles needed with only 6 waffles on board. Next time, admit your mistake, fix it, and move on. Geez. So much pride for a level designer. This isn’t the first time something like this happened. Just do a better testing before releasing levels.

    nobody cares if you send the tweak on a weekend. If you did a good job on the weekdays, that wouldnt be necessary. That’s still on you.

    doing something for 9 years doesnt mean it’s the best way. You’re just justifying you make players who reach the higher levels first as guinea pigs instead of doing a better job on testing the levels before release. The more tweaks you’re doing, the more you’re bad at it.

    how would you send back the wasted and stolen boosters from this impossible level? Please dont tell me it was possible before your tweak cause i have the shot attached.

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    Levels being tweaked to be impossible has absolutely happened before, but it's very clearly seen on out side since we don't get any throughput to further levels in those cases. This level had not been tweaked since the 26th and it still has throughput, we have plently of players that has passed it.

    We have admitted mistakes in the past and will admit them in the future too, but in this case we can clearly see a throughput since we have substantial amounts of data for leves after this one. The level is however slightly harder than we'd like it to be, which is why it and a few other levels were tweaked down. The aim is of course to tweak levels as few times as possible but still get them to the right difficulty.

    I hope the tweak made will make it easier for you to progress ao that you can continue to enjoy the episode 😊

  • John_0510
    John_0510 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    @LindQ because on youtube videos they had 40 and 30 moves for this level. We had 23 with 130 waffles target. Of course you’lo have a throughput. How do you explain the screen shot attached??? Geez. You’ve wasted our chance on gold race and out boosters.

  • candyujwal
    candyujwal Posts: 2,415

    Just finished with the latest set of levels and must say those were amazing. Keep crushing ✌

  • LindQ
    LindQ Posts: 562

    The data is based on the latest version of the level, and levels after this one that was tweaked in the same day or later also has data.

    We really do look at it daily to make sure we don't have any huge difficulty spikes because we really want our players to get to enjoy the content we create for you. Sometimes it's hard to predict difficultly exactly, which is why we need tweaks, since we have thousands of players and we have to take the average into account. Some players are more skilled than others, some are really good at a certain type of level but not another etc. We want to have both hard and easy levels since some players love difficult challenges and some (like me!) love easy levels. We try to keep everyone happy, but the playerbase is wide. But we really appreciate all the feedback we get as well, it helps steering us in the right direction.

    Hopefully you can enjoy the rest of the levels for the week 😊

  • John_0510
    John_0510 Posts: 27

    Level 3

    @LindQ too much said but still no explanation about the screen shot. 9424 was impossible to finish. Just send our boosters back

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?