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win streaks?

kcrush22 Posts: 1 Newbie

what happened to the win streak boosters? are they gonna bring them back soon


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,538 Legend

    Hi @kcrush22 most of the people on here are just the same as you. That is, we are just player's of Candy Crush which means none of us know any real information about why things keep disappearing from the game.

    You aren't the first person this week to complain about losing their Win Streak, so I would like to think that there might be a technical issue. I say this because the number of people complaining makes it highly unlikely that the disappearing Win Streak is due to the official 'test' response that you more than likely will receive.

    One other thing to consider is that if you have spent money on the game recently then you can probably say goodbye to any methods of obtaining free boosters.

  • AmyBarrett89
    AmyBarrett89 Posts: 36 Level 2

    These boosters come and go so often, who knows whether or not they’ve taken them off? I usually quit playing when they disappear. It’s so frustrating.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?