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🚨 Banner for Milestone Level - How to Update it!



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited December 2022

    Hi @Tzvi_Marcu,

    No idea.

    But perhaps, it is associated with the *Level you are on. For example, if on *Level 5000, might get *5 Green Level Buttons in *Vault? Since you can't advance any farther on *Saga Map Levels than where you are at, on the day you got the *Feature.

    Just a guess on my part.

    The *CMs or *Candy Moderators would know more. Let's *Tag @Sukanta_Biswas on your question.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    edited January 2023

    Welcome to the King Community.

    Are you looking for the milestone badge on Avatar?

    Like my avatar has 10,000 milestone badges?

  • ccasalta
    ccasalta Posts: 448
    edited December 2022

    for now what you are told is that you have to wait 167 hours to continue with milestrone chalerger


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited December 2022

    @Origins7_Dale said

    Not sure what the *Reward / *Badge is yet

    Hi Dale based on that comment you still seem a little confused about the whole thing. Maybe this will help

    The Milestone Challenge Event is a seven day (168 hours) event that challenges you to complete a number of HARD levels. The number of levels in your event is related to your position on the game map and the associated milestone. That is, if you are at level 10,000 you will have to complete ten hard levels. If you are passed level 4000 you will have to complete five hard levels.

    The milestones are all of the levels that are multiples of 1000 as explained by Sukanta_Biswas on Page 1 of this discussion. Link below

    If you complete the challenge then you are rewarded with a banner for your Avatar that shows which milestone you have completed. That is, you will receive a banner similar to what some people received for completing level 10000

    Once you have the banner then the new Milestone Badge Feature allows you to turn the banner off and on. You can see this on Page 1 of discussion Milestone Badge in a post from Tzvi_Marcu. Link below

    One other thing to note is an observation made by Arwen777. Arwen noted that the levels chosen for the challenge were those levels that previously required a lot of boosters to complete and were also some of the most difficult. You can see this at the link below

  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394
    edited January 2023

    @prince_bk if you're talking about the yellow ribbon on the player's avatar, then this is the ''milestone badge''. Check your features in your settings to see if it's available to you because it's not in every game.

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429
    edited December 2022

    Keeping an eye out for when this feature will be on my game.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited December 2022

    Hi @Alienscar,

    No, not confused on it at all. Explained it above, in a *2 Part Overview.

    What I didn't know, is what the *Reward / Badge is on it, that is the *Milestone Challenge. Now know from our @arwen777 post at:

    • I finally finished the levels today and got the badge, which is basically a ribbon on my game avatar of my current milestone (4000). It was definitely not worth the boosters I used to get through some of the levels. So my advice to anyone who's trying to get it is to not spend anything! If you can win the levels, fine. If not, you aren't missing anything important!

    Thx on the reference for it.

    Was clear, I have the *10,000 Level Banner on my *Avatar already. Which was explained by both @Sukanta_Biswas & myself on *Page 1. That involves doing *Saga Map Levels, for it.

    Now know, you get a *Ribbon on your *Avatar for completing this *Milestone Challenge. This involves doing up to *10 Levels in the *Vault, for it.

    So the question is now, is it worth it? Depends on you the player. Do agree with @arwen777 post above.

    So we have:

    • *Milestone Badge - Up to *10,000 Level Banner On Avatar! *Doing *Saga Map Levels!
    • *Milestone Challenge - Get *Ribbon On Avatar! *Doing Up To *10 Levels In Vault!

    • Milestone Challenge - 9 Levels Done Before Doing The 10th Level In Vault - CCS - Origins7 Dale

    It is the wording being used. One *Reward / Badge is the *Level Banner, the other *Reward / Badge is the *Ribbon!

    Anyway, here is the *Rewards / Badges / Level Banner / Ribbon for everyone.

    • Milestone Challenge - 10,000 Level Banner, Ribbon On Avatar - CCS - Origins7 Dale

    Frankly, I see no difference here. Since I have said, I had the *10,000 Level Banner / Ribbon already, before getting this *Milestone Challenge. So the answer to the question above, is it worth it, is now *No!

    Perhaps, it is nothing more than a *Double Shot at it. Depending on the *Saga Map Level you are on. Very disappointed on this. Was expecting more, in getting a decent *Reward on it.

    Need more clarity on things. Doing something 2x for the same *Reward is misleading players.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Yorben_Goeree
    Yorben_Goeree Posts: 3,880
    edited December 2022

    Guys, I have all hard levels from “Milestone Challenge” are completed but that cost many boosters and gold bars! For this event give you NO rewards of boosters, but only for the rewards is: 10 000 badge! But I got already for this badge for I had complete level 10 000 from August 2021! I find this unfair event because I complete all hard levels but for this event give you NO rewards of boosters!

  • Cush5555
    Cush5555 Posts: 16

    Level 2

    edited December 2022

    Way to ruin the excitement of achieving level 10,000

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?