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🐍 How do you feel about the Candy Cobra?

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited November 2021 in Discussions

The Candy Cobra has been ssslithering in the game a few weeks now, since it made its entrance on level 10 461.

How do you feel about this new sssneaky addition in the game?

Sssweet or sssalty?

Have you managed to get a grip of the Candy Cobra and how it works?

Do you like this sssneaky candy?

We want your feedback on the Candy Cobra!

Please vote and comment your thoughts and feedback here below.

🐍 You can find the Candy Cobra introduction HERE!
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🐍 How do you feel about the Candy Cobra? 51 votes

Divine, I love it and have have full control over the Candy Cobra!
Crazy Cat LadWerner_Cichykiara_waelsanto_chris97Fences 5 votes
Sweet, but not sure how the Candy Cobra works exactly.
Peter_TornarosMollySnararubiaGoldenswordzmay28luiz_gray108108degd123 7 votes
Salty, I don't like this one. Too sneaky for me.
ernstbln__MULLIGANACEOUS__DaniTheOGKCullen127Kelvintownsend123nesco 6 votes
I don't know yet, but I can't wait to get level 10 461 to try it out!
Andres-2Glenn1972bearwithmedianaperez200siti_payungbmkersey08EOTheGr8MiladyRMountainMomNenikapakiteresawallace44MunsterMaryLuyo2020Nikolaos_ProdromidishechicerillagoofygoodyRemano88Princess_Jessicalelenspndaoz 33 votes


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