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Reset and Re-accept terms and conditions, all lives and boosters lost

jlsgunger Posts: 6

Level 2

I have read the threads and looked at previous comments of persons having the same issue as I have. Every time I sign on - whether once a day or three times a day, I am asked to reaccept terms and conditions, all my lives are lost,, and all my boosters are lost. The only thing saved is my level, This happens only on my lap top, but I depend on these boosters and lives to help move me forward in the game. I am not doing anything to my laptop - just normal use and I've been using this lap top to play successfully for a few years now.

Please offer something more profitable - or just admit you don't know and then I'll need to consider if the aggravation is worth the game. Thank you.


  • If it is not a pc problem, perhaps it is the problem of where the tab has been searched, or possibly it is due to not having the search engine update.

  • I do not think that the computer is the only method to access.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,374

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Lives received from Facebook friends are notifications sent in Facebook. They're held in your profile and delivered into the game once per notification.

    This means that if you update Facebook, change your profile, reinstall the Facebook app or even update its app software, those Facebook notifications may get lost, as they've been delivered and cleared from the queue. While it is possible to store in-game messages from your friends, due to these factors outside our control, we cannot guarantee that they will remain on your device indefinitely.

    Lives can also be lost through an update to the game, your own device or by restarting your device, which clears a certain amount of memory, depending on your device. We therefore recommend limiting the number of messages and lives that you save; a full mailbox can also affect the functionality of the game.Check also the page here about the Lives.

    Please check links bellow about lose booster!

  • jlsgunger
    jlsgunger Posts: 6

    Level 2

    None of this is true for my account. I have done nothing with Facebook. I have not cleared any caches, I have not changed any of my security settings in Facebook or in Candy Crush. I cannot see a n issue regarding restarting my device. I normally do not restart (haven't for months), just open my lap top and "wake it up". It is not happening with any of my other games, just Candy Crush Saga.

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    Hmm, it's like the memory on your app isn't remembering that you've already accepted the terms. I wonder if it's a memory issue.

  • jlsgunger
    jlsgunger Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I am talking about my laptop for this issue.

  • janekclayton
    janekclayton Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I am also having to accept the new terms every single time I log onto C.C from facebook on my PC. This doesn't happen on my IPad or Iphone. Its very annoying because it goes through the entire process of showing me what certain candies are and I have to turn off the sound each time as well. I haven't done anything different to cause this issue. Please fix this as so many people are having the same problem.

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