Welcome to the Candy Crush Saga Community
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Dear Community,
We have made the decision to discontinue the service of Candy Crush Saga on King.com website as a platform. This does not affect the rest of platforms or the continuous efforts on developing our games to make sure you have as much fun as possible with it.
If you were playing Candy Crush Saga exclusively on King.com, you will have to move to another platform. But don’t worry, you can always sync your progress. HERE you can find more information on how to do it, as well as more context on the situation.
And below you can find a link for each platform to play Candy Crush Saga
We hope we continue seeing you around on our other many platforms.
Also tagging another active Candy Crush Players :
@arwen777 @greddycandy @olyamt @rare @MonroeH @candyujwal @Suzanne_Mel @Magic_Mixer @cjay63 @Phillygrl @Barry_Dean_Clark @ckmy @samm_kml @bmkersey08 @Vixsyn2502 @Kiwi2018 @Marzop @nnarkis @MaryLuyo2020 @Sabriny @Beth_Mc_Hugh @Munster @SH_Lee @MiaChristine @KitKathySuzyQ @Colleen12 @annthomas0104 @ashfordgooner @leggylett @babsblake @coopsj @silentladka @spoekie @arjankrijger2005 @abdulkarim11 @arhammir @WendyG78 @Alexandra_Tang @starlighters101 @Merx_Gonzalez @Fences @Byrd59 @Loser9 @Tina_Williams-2 @Scorpio54 @Michael-6 @peggyvereen @Chase_ @fable1707 @ernstbln @cwsherwood @Marzia333 @Roary2020 @KitKathySuzyQ @Colleen12 @Tess92 @maryam60 @br0k3n4ng31 @MiaChristine @Weezy @Goldenswordz @Albert_Heinrich @DarDarW @hmwgreer33 @Sasha2707 @Thomas_Lee @scotiankitty @gillinic @Tinitun @Jared_Buttry @kdemello101086 @nacona123 @HughLaurie1959 @Pteskawin @paco1234 @Edwardbright @beccasdad @Langlang @WolfKingSG @PattiB_Lucas @Diane_JB @Lillyb50 @panythegreat @Rosepetal61 @yoph_1234 @BASE007 @Qrene @Zee-2 @Kaos2021 @hossunmdli @julzie68 @goofygoody @janaep @Rose_Mary_Torres @lillyb51 @Hana_adamczak @Mar1972 @tanii19 @angravkal @Macaye @snoozie7 @__MULLIGANACEOUS__ @MoosieMoo @linie38 @Recey @saurabh2020 @gamepower @Sugy @ntabbara @barf79 @Scorpio54 @vicky954 @Crissy2017 @jj3748 @1Aj @AnnieSays @IntrepidBatArrow @CandyCrushCustodian @NCnatalie
I cannot tagged multiple same players as I have tagged them on main page who have subscribed on Community Hub Tagging List. So I tag them once only as well. 😉
** If who wants to subscribe Candy Crush Tagging List, please check and comment here! Thanks! 😊 **
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This is so sad.
I got this:
@CommunityTeam I along with many members of the Community will and find this information sad as Candy Crush Saga is the reason that I visited the Community in the first place and then after a few times of communicating with the many different members eventually decided to make myself a little place of my own and create a home for myself here....because of Candy Crush Saga.....
I am confused as why King Games would make this decision although many times companies like King Games make decisions to change, move or liquidate parts or whole sections of companies all the time....I also wonder if this has happened to Crash on the Run as King Games Design Team has not added to the Game anything since October 2021 and left all the members there hanging without any new levels or Islands for them to play and the players from there have since started to quit the game and COTR Community altogether........Thanks for the information........
Thanks for the tag @Diamond Lim as myself tags @DaniTheOG, @Spieler_8675309, @Scooterpie, @Nix66, @headoperations, @gr33n3y3z, @rebelchild, @aijaziqbal, @kiara_wael, @bearwithme, @Freddy_ , @simplyP, @MollyS, @ElenaVorona, @PummyRaj, @encantes , @Lady_Choo, @CassD, @Erika0811, @farm_lad, @teresawallace44,@BubbleGumSoda, @Lola_Pop, @QueenB, @johamilton, @Anahita_2005, @BQN537, @jeanps, @candycrushinit, @Cats4Caz, @rajdeeptb, @Nat09, @siti_payung, @MountainMom as you my friends may know or might not know of these changes.....Even though we still can play our game just through another platform....changes made now may make changes on other games as I believe it has more to do with Microsoft taking over Activision gaming and more changes to come my friends.....
What actually happened?. Can we have a way to see you back ever? Will we lose our progress?
Also tagging @lulu13, @Loveth_NP
I don't like change!
@CommunityTeam I do have one question ❓ @Crazy Cat Lad ❓ What about the Community ❓as I have read everything about synchronized accounts and about not losing out progress in our Games....how about our Community ❓and Community Games and contest and will there still be contest where we can win free gold bar's or booster's how will that work if we still have a Community and Community Games ❓ please address these issues for all of us the Community our friends and some as family like friends indeed as I have come to love many of them as they are truly blessed members of my life...... I will wait for your answer my friend @Crazy Cat Lad as I respect you ❓.
Thank you for tagging me @Diamond Lim and @me6412 while on one hand I find the decision a bit strange I have played CCS on again off again for around 10 years and for me it will just be like going back to the way things used to be.
As long as I can still access CCS in the App Store and other platforms I will be happy.
Thanks for your time @CommunityTeam
One question @Crazy Cat Lad
Going for this game platforms from Facebook website might also go away or not? Does it stay in front of this one or delete this platforms from Facebook website of my screenshot? This looking very similar from the game platforms of king.com.