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Feedback on levels 11 196 - 11 240!



  • Anyone know what the purpose of thos numbers are next to the Booster Prizes.

    I have searched but could not find anything. Maybe my search string is wrong.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Albert_Heinrich I think those little numbers purpose maybe to take our attention off of something else?

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    Almost forgot to comment on the new levels. Much distraction you know! Perhaps it is chaos time again? Already?

    We are in the process of getting our house reroofed, so really, much distraction already exists a little more will not hurt.

    I enjoyed most of the levels this week. Mostly not too much crap in the way. This is far more fun because one can experiment with some ideas.

    The levels where I could use my Coconut Wheel booster where great fun. CW wheels are my new obsession. Have the "powers that be" been a listening?

    I found level 11200 interesting, CB + a color and repeat.

    All three episodes were enjoyable to me. The pounding in my head and cutting my power on and off well that's a different story!

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698

    @Spieler_8675309 @Boybinary

    As younger girls my sister Sherrypie and I both wanted to be Ginger. Quickly saw the light, that distraction thing was a going on... even back then. What do they want us to see, think or do? Influence!

    ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    One could assume that would be the number of boosters you would win insinuating at some point there will be more than one to be won!

  • @Boybinary, it did cross my mind, but i thought naw.

    Hope I am not going to have to swallow my words.

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    edited February 2022

    I got another idea of what they might be up to. Wait a minute I am not going to say cause I might give them that idea!

  • Lakierem
    Lakierem Posts: 1,037

    Good afternoon, am not that levels, Thanks

  • ↑↑↑

    Yep, we know.

    Have ya made it to 6000 yet?

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201

    Level 11203: Another level reduced from 30 to 20 moves. I managed to watch 3 adverts for 5 extra moves and still didnt come close. Should imagine those playing with 30 moves would have needed lucky boards. So here I go again play, play, play for enough extra moves to make it worth using 10 gold bars.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?