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❤️ Candy Secret Crush - Share your Valentine's thoughts and claim a sweet badge!



  • MightyMouse13
    MightyMouse13 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I would send MYSELF!!! I’m a barrel of laughs and can be romantic when I want to, and can cook a hearty meal for 2! What more would anyone need! 😂 😍😍😍

  • thatjarrett
    thatjarrett Posts: 6

    Level 2

    I have a crush on yeti I would give him a kiss kiss kiss and my heart ❤️

  • davis1434
    davis1434 Posts: 37

    Level 3

    I might be too shy for that. If I had the courage I suppose I’d invite them out for dinner.

  • SanyaSidhu05
    SanyaSidhu05 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    If I had a super secret crush,

    I would send them a poem in a rush.

    for I am a die hard romantic

    some call me frantic.

    but if I had a crush,

    I would have the biggest blush.

    happy Valentine’s Day yall! Hope that everyone with a special someone enjoys the day!

  • when I was younger I was definitely too shy to do anything. Now being older wiser and more confident I would probably send a box of chocolates with an anonymous card.😉🥰

  • rafakc
    rafakc Posts: 54

    Level 3

    Happy valentin day to all

  • Get a card, flowers, chocolate and go out on a date.


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,716

    Wow! So lovely! Thank you for your answering on Valentine's Question! Everyone! 💕😄

  • *Long story warning* 🤣 My fiancee and I met in elementary school (can you believe that?), we lived in the same neighborhood and I was shamefully the classic "popular, roudy, most extroverted extrovert a human could possibly be" kid, that sat in the "cool kids" part of the bus-the back 🤣 now my fiancee on the other hand - COMPLETE opposite, he was shy, never associated himself with anyone - never felt like he needed to, always had headphones on listening to music, getting bullied by the "cool kids" because he was one of the most introverted introvert a human can be. So we went years with just seeing eachother on the bus and school, me telling my NOT so nice "cool friends" to leave him alone (bullies 👎)and always stuck up for him because I've never understood the concept of being mean and nasty to another human being for NO reason. But that's besides the point - back to our story 😅 right around middle school, we had some classes together. With me being me, I always tried to strike up conversations with everybody, especially him. He was still shy and very "one word replies" with me at first but we developed a classroom friendship and always flirted and hugged 🥰 Slowly but surely, in 8th grade, we had PE together (among other classes) and were teamed up together THE WHOLE YEAR 🥰 then the real crush started for me, with his blonde hair, bright blue eyes and absolutely amazing personality (once I got him to open up 😆) I was head over heals 💘.

    Unfortunately, the start of my freshmen year of high school, I got diagnosed with advanced Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer (cancer of your immune system) and my world got turned upside down. Had to start aggressive chemo treatment immediately, many many surgeries, without getting too specific - pretty much every bad thing you can picture associated with an advanced form of childhood cancer with a 70% success rate, I went through for a year. (Don't take this as a sob story, I was lucky enough to have an amazing team of nurses and drs who made my experience the best it could have possibly been and I'm all good now ♥️ this ties into our love story which is why I'm mentioning it). I couldn't attend school because I was too sickly, tired, proudly bald, and was in the hospital 5 days each week. All my "friends" quit talking to me, which I understand, cancer is terrible experience and we can't expect freshmen to know how to deal with that comfortably. There were a couple who still would talk to me, including my before mentioned introverted crush - now husband 🥰 He was always down to hangout with me without a blink of a eye, and I could tell it wasn't pity, he's just that type of person 🥰 I would sneak out at night (sometimes right after a chemo treatment or surgery 🤦‍♀️😬) to go hang out with him or him and his friends, all in my glorious pale, sickly looking state - bald, frail, very sick, 5'7 weighing 95lbs (was 135lbs before), you know, looking ROUGH 😅 BUT having some of the BEST memories of my life, and my crush for him growing stronger and stronger 💖 fast forward to the end of my chemo treatment and the start of my radiation treatment (end of freshman year, start of summer), meaning the worst was over but I still had alot of rough patches to go through but atleast my hair was starting to grow some peach fuzz 🥳😂 My crush and I were hanging out pretty much every night and day by now 💕 one night he randomly pulled me aside and nervously lifted up a beautiful passion flower that he had picked outside (I know so sweet 😭) and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend (mind you, I'm still bald and look like I'm a walking corpse and he's a SOLID 11 for looks 👌🤣). Of course I said yes and the rest is history. We've been together 12 years now and I can't imagine my life without him. Without his kindness and understanding. We're one of those rare childhood sweethearts that are COMPLETE opposites, and to this day, we keep loving eachother more and more every day and plan to for the rest of our lives 💖

    Not sure if this is appropriate for this post but I wanted to share it for Valentines day 🥰

  • hycenth
    hycenth Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I will send a letter and ask her out on a date with me .

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