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🛢️ Wonderful Wrapper - New sweet blocker in Candy Crush Saga!

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited March 2022 in Discussions

The Wonderful Wrapper is here!

The new sweet and fun blocker that the Community chose a name for HERE is now finally coming to the game!

The Wonderful Wrapper is a blocker, but with a sweet surprise inside. So it’s worth the effort to crush it on the levels. 

How does it work?

The Wonderful Wrapper blocks two tiles on the game board.

To clear it you will need to match candies next to it or hit it with a special candy, e.g. Striped Candy, Wrapped Candy. 

The Wonderful Wrapper has various layers in different colours. 

To clear each layer, you will need to match candies of the same colour as the layers, right next to the Wonderful Wrapper. 

How do the special candies clear the layers?

When hitting the Wonderful Wrapper with a special candy, the colour doesn’t matter. The first layer will be cleared no matter what colour the Wrapped or Striped Candy has.

You can also clear one layer by matching a Color Bomb!

Match a Color Bomb anywhere on the game board. Match it with a candy of the same colour as a candy next to the Wonderful Wrapper. The candy will then clear the layer of the equal colour. 

How many layers and colours can the  Wonderful Wrapper have? 

The Wonderful Wrapper can have up to five layers. 

It can also feature several layers of the same colour. You will then need to match candies of the same colour for each layer. 

What’s wrapped inside this new blocker?

The Wonderful Wrapper has always two special candies wrapped. The special candies will be given and placed on the same tiles when the Wonderful Wrapper is cleared.

Where and when do I get this in my game?

The Wonderful Wrapper will be available in the game from level 11 421 and on. 

The Windows app will get the new Wonderful Wrapper levels on 16 March 2022.

All other platforms receive the new Wonderful Wrapper levels on the 30 March 2022. 

What do you think about the Wonderful Wrapper?

Do you like this new addition on the level?

Give us your feedback on the new feature!

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