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Gold Bars Disappeared

DENISEcrush Posts: 4

Level 1

edited April 2022 in Support


At least 30 gold bars of mine are gone between two games. Very strange. Any help with that? Please. I'm down to 4 gold bars and have no idea what happened.



  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello there @DENISEcrush and good day to you.

    Understood that you have missing gold bars from your game. Gold bars and progress are saved in the game server and it is unlikely that you lost it.

    Please log out from the game, restart your device, and log back in. Do ensure that you are signed in with the correct account and not different account.

    Also, kindly double check on the following:-

    1. You are not sharing device with another person. If yes, please ensure that the person is properly logged out from the game and/or Facebook app before you signed in.
    2. You didn't accidentally click on any button that triggers the purchase of boosters with your gold bar. To check, please click on the bag icon and see whether there is any added boosters, which is indicated with blinking sign.

    However, if you have recently purchased any of these gold bars, please contact King's Support team or email to them through in-game about your issue.

    Thank you and please let us know if you need help with other issues in your game ☺️

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi and welcome to the community.

    I hope the above suggestions must have helped but if nothing works for you and you are sure you didnt purchase anything please contact our player support directly from the settings of your game application or use this link.

    you need your game id for this.


  • gemini2904
    gemini2904 Posts: 20

    Level 3

    I have playing this game on and off for about ten years, since it first came out basically. In all that time I did not encounter any problems until just recently. I made my first ever purchase at Christmas last year and subsequently lost all my ads. I used to get frequent ads for extra lives, to win moves to continue the game and most recently watch 3 adds in a row to get 3 different boosters…. All have disappeared! I thought the don’t pay or you’ll lose your adds was a myth but that is exactly what has happened to me. Then just over 2 months ago I lost my F5 team and now today I log out and back in (checking to see if F5 had returned, as advised by King) and now I’ve lost all my gold! I doubt I can get them back as I won them in the race so did not purchase them. Also before I forget, you have changed the conveyer belt and made it clunky, slow and damn right irritating and nauseating. What next…. are King deliberately trying to alienate people and put them off playing and if so they’re are doing a damn fine job of it! This really is the final straw! 😡 🤬 🤯

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,819
    edited April 2022

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback will pass this to the Game Team . for Gold Bars please email Player Support so they can check up what has happened. You can email them directly from the game by going to the Settings, Help Center, choose a FAQ and you can find the 'Contact us' in the bottom of the page.

    Please feel free repost in new thread since this from 2020. Thank you

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