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Is the jerking going to stop

Carol-38 Posts: 10,981 Level 5

I know many players have been complaining for ages re the jerking of belts on levels me being one. King obviously don't listen to how this affects people. Have just played many in the 11700's with this awful visual and yet 2 weeks ago when they were released YouTube shows everything was smooth.

We are meant to be playing for fun not to get headaches and feel sick. Do our concerns get relayed back to King, if so why aren't they listening. Stop this silly jerking motion or you will lose more players.


  • Michael-6
    Michael-6 Posts: 987 Level 3

    You really have to wonder what goes on at King. As you note, this "improvement" was launched ages to go to pretty much universal negative feedback. Yet, the developers, who "listen to the feedback" seemed to have missed all of this.

    How hard can it be to take out the code for the new conveyor belt motion, and add back in the code that *they already have* for the previous motion?

    It seem that the entire efforts of the designers at the minute are on the stupid and pointless new turtle character.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 10,981 Level 5

    I just don't get it, as you know many have complained in the past saying how badly it affects them. Yet King have taken the time in the last week to change smooth running levels into jerky headaches. It's nothing to do with money so what can the reason be. Ahh maybe there's a new King medical centre we'll see a pop up that we can pay to join. It's madness and needs to be stopped.

    Guess a lot of us will still be complaining in a month's time

  • Fences
    Fences Posts: 1,122 Level 4

    There is no King medical centre. Remember, there is no free healthcare in the world.

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