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  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    @Loser9 I'm very sorry but I'll be leaving your F5 team. You and your team have been great it has nothing to do with you.

    I don't enjoy playing anymore. All of a sudden while playing today I realized I don't want to play. I've put candy crush as a priority in my life and it's a game. It's addictive and I just realized this morning I'm a candy crush addict and want to quit. Some private issues I think put it into perspective, there's more to life than candy crush.

    It's not fair to have a teammate not giving it their best effort. I'll stay on for a day or two so you can replace me unless you prefer I leave right away.

    I am sincerely sorry for the problems this will cause. It hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. I was happy to be on your team and thank you for having me.

    Please accept my apology.


  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070

    @Kerrie why won’t you accept my apology. And why have you been emailing my friends telling them not to believe what I say. I always helped our team out, I shared all of my notes on each level in candy crush.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279
    edited August 2022

    I never had any intention or desire for this to become a public display. This was brought out by someone else for everyone to see.

    Fine @lalopez6715 I forgive you for making it look to community like I wanted you to work on something (which I told you I'd do) so I could go behind your back and take a spot you insisted was yours on a f5 team.

    I apologize for telling our mutual friend not to believe what you were saying about me in the first quoted message. I knew you thought I did this since you refused to listen to what I had to say.

    I forgive you for saying in above quote I emailed your friends and told them not to believe what you say. I sent a private chat to one friend, singular not plural telling him I didn't do what what you thought. I didn't steal your spot so I knew what you were saying was not true.

    I forgive you for wanting to get me banned from another site and I forgive you for talking about this issue there with several other people.

    I forgive you for making me seem ungrateful for things we're not even discussing.

    I forgive you and accept your apology.

    I also want to thank you for breaking me of my candy crush addiction. I have no desire to play anymore, thank you for that.

    I have forgiven you. Please let go of this and don't bring it up again.

    I'll probably get banned now so thank you for that too, really thank you.

    Goodbye everyone.

    Edited by CM: ❌ Don't share private conversations with any member, Game Mod, CM or with the Player Support Team in the forum - Check our House Rules

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    Ok I really didn’t wanna publicly get involved with this, but I’ve finally had enough!

    @Kerrie Yes I can agree that Candy Crush may be an addictive game, like its other games, but you cannot blame @lalopez6715 for “you quitting the game.” Its your choice to quit the game, and that is perfectly fine. But you cannot blame your choice on anyone else but yourself.

    @Loser9 @Rox7383 I also don’t get your guys’ issue! You guys are now accusing her of harassment?! Do you guys even know what harassment means? Harassment is bullying, or “harm” directly towards another person or persons. I don’t see what harm LaLopez has caused. A whole conversation about so-and-so wanting to join a team turns into a pretty dumb and useless argument.

    All of you need to quit acting like little kids and blaming others for your guys’ actions.

    Now, I’m usually a kind and positive person here in the community, but when I see others bullying friends of mine, that’s too far. As for me, I’m a huge fan of King and it’s games (especially Pet Rescue), and I joined this community to associate with other King gamers like myself. I didn’t come to randomly accuse other members of “harassment” when there’s no proof of it.

    You guys all need to think about what y’all are saying before you actually say it.

  • pillow6
    pillow6 Posts: 1,086

    Please be sweet and kind guys.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    @EOTheGr8 You said

    Ok I really didn’t wanna publicly get involved with this, but I’ve finally had enough!

    I've had enough of you being involved in something you had no part in. I've had enough of being accused of saying Lisa was harassing me, Kerrie. Again I did not say that as you saw from the post it was not me.

    It was Lisa that made me realize I was spending too much time playing. She helped me recognize I was putting candy crush as a priority when it's a game and obviously not a priority.

    I didn't accuse her I thanked her for helping me recognize this. I don't want to be as consumed with the game as she is. I don't want to loose focus of everything else in my life. I was obsessed with playing, the community and my F5 scores. I don't to be like that.

    I really don't care you feel it necessary to ban me from your community site. I don't think I ever posted or joined in on anything. That's why I couldn't understand why Lisa wanted me banned. That's why I uninstalled it.

    I apologized to her for things I didn't feel I needed to apologize for. I'm tired of this situation, I'm tired of being accused of things I didn't do. I'm emotionally drained from all of this, stressed and I've had enough just like you said you've had enough and you were not even involved you were brought into this mess by Lisa.

    If I don't wish to talk to her I shouldn't be forced to talk. She had the right not to listen to me try to explain things why don't I have the right to not talk to her.

    I feel like I'm in middle school with all the he said she said and talking behind people's backs. I'm 53 years old and have no desire to go back there. But I'm continually being brought back into this when I don't want to be.

    Please stop. Please will you both move on from this. And please stop accusing me of things I didn't do.

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    Yes I can agree that I shouldn’t be involved in this, but same time to, this whole situation involves one of my friends being bullied by you guys.

    Also, my Discord Server has 0% nothing to do with this, so I don’t know where you got that from.

    Yes, I’ll move on from this, but please stay away from drama with @lalopez6715. And to @Loser9 and @Rox7383, you guys stop accusing her for something that you have no proof of.

  • Loser_
    Loser_ Posts: 882

    What are you talking about, man? I never accused anyone of anything! All I did was deny that I saved Lisa a spot on my F5 team. It's ironic that you're claiming that, because now you're the one accusing someone of something they didn't do. Did you even read my replies to her?

    @lalopez6715 Have I ever accused you of harassing me or anyone else?

  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679

    Yes you’re right that you weren’t part of the accusations, but you definitely were causing other problems with LaLopez. There’s a reason why she has a problem with all of you. The reason with you I don’t know directly, but Rox and Kerrie were definitely.

    It was mainly Rox with the accusations. ⬇️⬇️

    So I guess where I mentioned you above wasn’t necessary on the accusations part, but you were still involved in this.

    Now I’m done arguing with all of you because I don’t want this to escalate more than this already has, and next thing we all know, we’re in trouble with a CM. So goodbye. And stay away from @lalopez6715 if you’re all just gonna cause more problems.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279
    edited August 2022

    Your discord server was brought into this because Lisa brought you in. You wanted an explanation from me about what was going on between Lisa and I.

    How am I bullying her? I should remind you that bullying is serious. You've now accused me of being a bully. You also told me I was accusing her of harassment. You know that's not true and I never accused her of that.

    You thought you might be able to fix things by, I believed you said "wave your magic wand".

    You also accused me of telling lies about her to Nico. I cautioned Nico not to believe everything Lisa was saying. I told him not to believe the things she was saying in the community and in the group chat. As it turned out she admitted there was miscommunication and she wasn't promised a spot on the team and I didn't take it from her. Therefore I wasn't spreading lies like you and Lisa accused me of.

    You said "I can care less" about the other two. Why am I the one you and Lisa are focusing on? Why? I've been trying to stay away from her but she's trying to contact me and getting involved with things that don't pertain to her. Why are you telling me to stay away from her when that's what I've been trying to do. You were the one suggesting we talk.

    Every situation in this whole fiasco has one thing or person in common.

    I'm not arguing anymore either but I'm not going to stand by while false accusations are made against me.

    Edited by CM: ❌ Don't share private conversations with any member, Game Mod, CM or with the Player Support Team in the forum - Check our House Rules

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