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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • stevethomas3838
    stevethomas3838 Posts: 82 Level 2

    Oh, yeah, almost forgot, King recommended posting on this forum when lives reach zero. Obviously I have tried it, feels just like work, not very relaxing either!

  • reaper9897
    reaper9897 Posts: 20 Level 2

    This has nothing to do with the 'health' of the players. This is more like the 'health' of their profits. This game is challenging enough as you get higher up there with the levels. I'm around 4300 right now and many boards are insanely hard. I have a limit of 15 lives a day. On some boards, without boosters, I could use that 15 just to finish one level. This is such an obvious cash grab where many of us are forced to use up our boosters or spend all those gold bars just so we can continue playing. In the past, if I had an afternoon free, I would not mind spending a few bucks on occasion for the game. No more though. Not when it's so obvious what they are doing. The game is just not fun anymore with this ridiculous limit. Each level I go into dreading it and wondering how many boosters I might have to use. I actually went back to level 1 and started playing older levels over. At least that can be enjoyable. Many of my friends bailed on the game. They are just fed up and I do not blame them.

  • Azeret
    Azeret Posts: 36 Level 2

    Diamond Lim why don't you the administration guys of Candy crush tell us what you guys are doing about the complaints of the unhappy players

  • Jettalady
    Jettalady Posts: 19 Level 2

    Why would we invite new friends to join Candy Crush when you are making your long time players miserable in not letting us have use of our unlimited lives back from our friends. Putting limits on our lives is bs. Doing this you will not get more people to join as all you are doing is frustrating us and we will leave the game.

  • poppppp
    poppppp Posts: 14 Level 2

    I’ve been playing for more than ten years, and have spent far too much money.

    I hope their new algorithm shows how I’m now spending zero, and will continue to spend sod all, unless they change it back.

    What’s the point of having loads of friends, us all feverishly asking for lives, and getting virtually nothing back.

    And this is for the players’ health? Really? But I can go right now and spend £99 on lives? Then do it again? And again? I BET they wouldn’t try to stop me doing that!

    Shame on you King.

    But then again, thanks for making the game tedious, and saving me loads of money, and making me move on to other things.

    well done.

  • TinaBrown57
    TinaBrown57 Posts: 99 Level 2

    I'm utterly peed off, 20 lives a day and all I get is pop ups to buy gold bars and extra moves, I never use to get that many before we were limited with lives. King have plainly made it obvious that all they want is for us to spend our money especially now with all the pop ups that they have increased, im no fool or idiot we can all see what king is doing.. Well like I've said why would I spend my money again with restrictions on MY lives that have been sent to me. Good luck king you've lost loads of players and people who use to spend money do not now, me included.

    Obviously nothing is going to change as king been monitoring our comments but do not give a crap about its loyal customer who have played for years and spent money. I willmnot be fooled by such a game there's plenty of other games to play.

    So I will say my goodbyes 👋 as enough is enough.

    I'll still come and read the comments and good luck to all those hanging on in the hope things will change but by the look of things it's going to stay the same as its been like this for sometime.

    Bye bye

  • stef3312
    stef3312 Posts: 0 Newbie
    edited August 2022

    I would play this even more than I already do if I could accept more than 20 lives a day from friends. So please change it back to where we can accept as many lives as our friends sends us a day….

  • pkstewart70
    pkstewart70 Posts: 8 Level 2

    I’ve been complaining to them about these new limits they’ve put on us. Not impressed. If my friends give lives to me, I shouldn’t be limited to how how many I can use. Also, they took lives away from me when they decided to start this. I’m tired of it and looking for something else.

  • radawber53
    radawber53 Posts: 8 Level 2
    edited September 2022

    I think it was a terrible idea to limit the lives one can receive to 15va day. In effect, you are forcing players to buy lives. You should more consideration for the players that are playing endlessly. King has even gone as far as to limit lives that were earned before this new rule went into effect, and that's not right. Players spend a lot if money on this game and now King is getting greedy by limiting the lives You can use.

    At yhe very least, King should allow for 50 lives a day, and add a stipulation that lives already earned must be used up before the new rule ca apply to them.

    I am honestly ready to start a "BOYCOTT CANDY CRUSH" campaign in an effort to stop King from milking the players for every nickel they can get.


  • GBDfromWSandNG
    GBDfromWSandNG Posts: 2 Newbie

    This is the worst decision King have made. And, if King really do care about their customers, they would read the comments on this thread and reverse their decision. Otherwise, they can kiss goodbye to Candy Crush as I, for one, will stop playing it.

    I occasionally buy boosters - the ones that give you unlimited boosts with a certain time limit. I will not do that under the new rules as I won’t have enough lives to make use of them.

    so, King, do you want me to keep playing Candy Crush or not? It is your choice.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?