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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • shellbomb78
    shellbomb78 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Before you started a game it would give you an extra booster too they have all disappeared making passing levels so hard and finding it pointless now playing as it's impossible been paying for 10 years don't understand why they have done this

  • Susie_Mancini
    Susie_Mancini Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Hello candy crush. Tell us something... Of all the complaints about maximum lives, we're they taken into consideration?????? I think not

  • Yup there were pages and pages of complaints about this change, almost all deleted now. Can't have that negative feedback...

  • Fran334
    Fran334 Posts: 381

    I don’t think either I am stuck on a hard level and because they decide to change the lives system to something different I really hope they do change it back to what it was before they buggered up the game lives

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658

    Hi @shellbomb78 do you mean the advert features that would provide you with a booster at the start of a level? If this is what you are referring to then I agree that the frequency of the adverts has decreased. The advert features in my game might as well not be there now as they only appear once every six weeks or so.

    I can't explain the ramp up in level difficulty and reduction in moves I am sorry to say, I wish I could. I have tried to change my attitude towards the game and just accept that I won't complete some levels for a few days. I have to remind myself that Candy Crush isn't a competitive game and there is no rush to complete any of the levels.

  • Fran334
    Fran334 Posts: 381 that is my post about the lives being changed but it has not been removed yet 🤞

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658

    I would imagine it is because there are some things our Moderators do not know and there are some things they aren't allowed to tell us. Also no one from the Game Team comes to this site.

    If people are right about the change being made for monetary reasons, then I very much doubt King are going to come out and say that.

  • shellbomb78
    shellbomb78 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Yes agree with you but does get boring when you are way off finishing a level and no boosters just gets boring oh well enjoyment in game has sadly gone thank you

  • Fran334
    Fran334 Posts: 381 or try this I hope you can get a reply

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,658

    I think it depends on how you approach the levels @shellbomb78. When I am now stuck on a level I just challenge myself to do better each time I play it. So, if it is a jelly level I try to see if I can collect more jelly each time I play it instead of getting frustrated at not finishing the level.

    Personally, I think if you feel bored then you should take a break from the game as you are probably putting too much pressure on yourself to play too quickly. Someone on here said that when they took a break of a few weeks that when they opened their game again they were offered 15 extra moves for the level they were playing.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?