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🗺 New Saga Map Makeover - Check it out!



  • Sweet! I love the new saga map

    Great job!!

  • rogerrabbit
    rogerrabbit Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    I have enjoyed playing your game until a small playing screen came into play. I am legally blind in one eye. The small screen places a strain on my one good eye. Come on people consider the well-being of all ages playing your game. My mom enjoys watching me play your game now she can't due to the screen being so damn small, Bad move people. Just stupid. I have nearly 50 people on the friend list that I help in the game if not I wouldn't play till the screen went back to the old way.

  • RickArm
    RickArm Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Between the small screen on CC and Soda consistently crashing mid-round, I'm done with King.

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 609

    I hate it!! please bring back the old one!! at least give us the option of the classic version... plus, why are there so many hard, super hard, and nightmarishly hard levels on one episode?? it's really disheartening and outright difficult to finish using most of my boosters and gold bars

  • I only have it squished on my screen, and I can't play, it is annoying. Who thought that one up?

  • lisiczka
    lisiczka Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Nowa jest taka sobie. Nie przeszkadza mi ale poprzednia dużo lepsza . Jeszcze uwagę zwrócę na czas ładowania żyć zdecydowanie za długi. Pozdrawiam

  • Suzana_Berger
    Suzana_Berger Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Horrible! Way too small. Everytime I open the game I am so dissappointed to see that size. It may be fine on the phone, but on the laptop I ahve the whole screen empty with a little something in the middle. Please bring the old version back.

  • colton123
    colton123 Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Just a tip, if you want the old map (you need a king account or another type of account that you can sign in and out of) then just sign out of your account and then close the game, when you sign back into your account the old map should be there, after reopening the game a few times, the new map will return but at least it is a temporary fix

  • Iidis
    Iidis Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Sour! I don't like the new saga map... (please tell us why)

    Seriously just way too small for my big screen. I play on computer (not anymore thanks for this new map) and on a tablet. Tablet outlook still looks fine. Old map back. Could you keep mobile game and compter version separate.

  • maniek86168616
    maniek86168616 Posts: 17

    Level 2

    Old map or new map, I just love the journey through the Candy Kingdom

    You have to change something to move forward

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