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Level 13978 is rigged to fail

christinewupp Posts: 6,607 Level 5

Level 13978 is rigged to be impossible within the moves given, even if you use all the boosters in your inventory.

There have been complaints about this level since it first came out just over two weeks ago suggesting it to be a "design flaw". I do not believe it is a flaw but deliberate. I have played the level over several times and viewed all the videos on YouTube. The video below shows a game very similar to when I played this level yesterday. I, too, used UFOs and one party booster early on. If you do clear the board early like this the lucky candy dispensers change in what is dropped: Instead of giving a multi-layer toffee swirl they dispense just a single layer. The lucky candy dispensers are rigged to drop whatever candy you least need. So if you have almost cleared the toffee swirls they will leave you short on liquorice. The number of moves for this level seem irrelevant because no matter how many moves you have left, it is designed to leave you needing to pay for extra moves. This is an outrageous trick to con players into using all their boosters and gold.

Of course, having invested UFOs and my last party booster early on in this level I ended up paying for three lots of extra moves with my remaining gold. This level is a con and should be removed from the game.

Anyone who hasn't played this level yet: Do NOT use any strong boosters early on in this game, they are completely wasted. Wait for the offer of 30 or more extra moves before paying gold to play on. It might be possible to clear if leaving the blockers already on the board til last and then using a party booster or UFOs on those, but I am not sure if that would work.


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