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  • Enby
    Enby Posts: 110 Level 3

    Honestly didn't think to look at YouTube videos. These are all great tips, and things I've noticed as well. Sometimes the suggested moves are helpful, and other times they are are not. You also need to look critically at the whole board, and think several moves ahead, especially if you see that the candy in the area immediately surrounding what you are trying to blast away will not help. Yes, I agree take breaks. I do not spend my personal money on any extra lives or boosters. Not worth it. Never start a new level race if you don't have a lot time to complete it (faster completion=higher chance of getting in game gold bars at end). Watch all the ads. Send invites to people in-game to be friends. Send each other lives regularly, and unsolicited. Limit asking for lives a whole lot for best response and friendships. Honestly, the game will let you out. Enter any and all contest you see on this page, you may win the special prize/bar boosters. Worth trying. Hknestly, the game will give you a lucky board, and eventually let you pass a level you are stuck on. Some of the hardest levels mean you need to pass them without boosters, as those boosters can actually create more problems and destroy vital candies. Sometimes having too many boosters will also do this. If you have gold bars, you can click on the image of a fish, chocolate bomb, etc and buy them. Buy the 30 min ones, it's the best option. Fish are the cheapest. It's also cheaper than buying rescue boosters, etc if you get stuck. You will start to develop your strategy, and seeing more possibilities for choices the more you experiment, and experience you gain. Be patient, take breaks if you get frustrated, and most importantly, remember it is a game and meant to be for pleasure/brain training, and let go expectations of yourself and competition mindset

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,572 Level 5

    Some good tips there. Personally I quite like the striped candy booster and often buy some of those. They can be placed next to a colour bomb or wrapped candy to help in blocked up boards. I also always keep one or two lollipop hammers and switches in case that is all I need on my last move. Switches are great for freeing gummi dragons stuck above a ton of blockers.

    If a level looks unachievable I don't use boosters but wait for the +60 moves and then pay gold to move on, in fact sometimes by this stage the game lets you pass anyway with a lucky board. As you said @Enby it pays to have lots of lives from friends so you can play an episode race quickly. I have found that number of tries does NOT play a part in whether you win an episode race. It seems to be number of logins and real time that passes. So having lots of lives or indefinite lives will help win episode races.

    Yes, I definitely agree, if it stops being fun, stop playing.

  • kcsgreg
    kcsgreg Posts: 9 Level 2

    I agree,

    So save gold and accessories

    to pass levels

    do as many combos as possible, since there's no strategy involved

  • Enby
    Enby Posts: 110 Level 3

    There's still strategy involved. Everything we are mentioning is stiil strategy. Strategies to work around the system. Still also need to have a good eye for mutiple moves, planning moves ahead, thinking outside the box, and figuring out how certain boards move/work so you can make better choices in moves, and use of hammers, etc. It's just there is no cheat code one size all fits approach to win every time. It's all strategic, otherwise it would be too easy, and no one would actually win competitions using their strategies to beat the system and board (we'd all zip through at equal pace). If the game was easy, you'd get bored easily, and not really be getting any brain training, problem solving, strategy developing benefits that come from playing

  • Enby
    Enby Posts: 110 Level 3

    Give it time. There is no rush, and it can be confusing, so many choices, frustrating etc. Think of it like learning chess, or poker. It's not just the moves you need to learn, it's about your opponents as well. Some have brains like super computers, and can see 40 moves ahead in an instant, and if just starting out you have a hard enough time finding just the next move, learning combinations. Somre have money to buy lives, candies, and 12 hrs a day online, some don't.

    Always elements of chance,as well in any game/system. That helps others win, as it can randomly knock out a the strong players, and give others a chance to win too. This game can be played for years, and is not really meant to reach the end. Continuous challenge, no boss level game completion. I'm still learning, getting better, faster, developing thinking ahead. If you get stuck on a level, other players may be able to give advice.


  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 13,964 Community Manager

    My recommendations would be to:

    #1: Play strategically

    When you reach a difficult level, it’s a good idea to take a moment and develop a strategy. Just looking at the layout can help you understand the level and your objectives better.

    You’ll want to pay attention to:

    • The objective of the level
    • How many moves you have
    • Which Blockers are in your way
    • How Boosters might be able to help
    • How your moves might impact the board

    You’ll usually find clues along the way, so pay close attention to them – they will draw your attention to what you need to tackle.

    Also, a more strategic approach will help you to use your moves carefully. On the toughest levels, every move really does count!

     #2 Use your Boosters effectively

    Across our games, you’ll find lots of exciting and powerful Boosters that can boost your gameplay and help you to cruise through levels.

    These Boosters are especially important on tough levels. Here’s how you might want to think about Boosters when you’re stuck:

    • Familiarize yourself with Boosters and how they work
    • Identify any Boosters on the board that you can use
    • Think about how you can combine Boosters
    • Take note of what you have in your inventory
    • Try to stockpile powerful Boosters and combine them for maximum impact

    Make the most of your Boosters, and you’ll be able to tackle any challenge!

    #3 See each attempt as a fresh opportunity

    It can be tough to start the same level multiple times, but the random layouts in our games mean that each attempt is a fresh opportunity!

    To make the most of each attempt, take some time to assess the level and develop your strategy. If you’re able to adapt your skills, you’ll be able to take on the toughest challenges across our games.

    Some random layouts might give you an advantage, so capitalize on those moments. With the right layout, you might even be able to make a few mistakes and still succeed!


    #4 Exchange tips with other players in the Community

    Sometimes a fresh perspective and a handy tip can help you to pass a tricky level.

    As you can see our active Community is filled with amazing players who love to exchange tips and tricks to pass even the hardest of levels.

  • kcsgreg
    kcsgreg Posts: 9 Level 2

    all right

    in fact I play normally

    it depends on whether the system wants me to win

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