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Lantz01 Posts: 46

Level 3

edited July 2023 in Discussions

I have the same inquiry every day. Please turn them on and leave them on. Most levels require more than one booster to advance. I do not purchase from this game, I rely on ads to advance. It is my time watching them, not yours. Just leave them on. And why is Candy Royle up to 16 levels? I could win this if I had a few boosters, but the game makes it impossible. Please just turn Sweet Cinema on.😡😡😡😡😡😡


  • moncsi010
    moncsi010 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited July 2023

    *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules 

  • Lantz01
    Lantz01 Posts: 46

    Level 3

  • FluffyDinosaur
    FluffyDinosaur Posts: 2,542

    Hello there Lantz01! 🍭

    First, I understand how vital the boosters are for your gameplay and it sounds like you're having quite the adventure with Candy Crush Saga. Secondly, I wanted to ask you to not write in all CAPS in the future - it can come across as very aggressive and be hard for some players to read so please don't do this. That said, we are continuously working on improving the game experience and your feedback is greatly appreciated.

    As for Candy Royale, it's designed to be a bit challenging to test your candy crushing skills. Remember, the tougher the level, the sweeter the victory!

    Enjoy matching candies and have a nice weekend!🍬

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649
    edited July 2023

    Hello @Lantz01 you aren't alone in complaining about the Sweet Cinema. There is nothing we can do about it as it's plain that King has decided to temporarily stop our Cinema's.

  • Lantz01
    Lantz01 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    If you remove sweet cinema ads from the game, you will probably loose alot of players, as it is impossible to advance without them, and I personally don't Purchase from this game I rely on the ads to advance, hate to think the game would do this, the game should be fun,but it beginning not to be,and I hope it isn't about $$$,because most players like the fun and the challenge

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Well that's the problem though @Lantz01 if a change made by King drives non-paying customers away then King won't even notice. The only thing King cares about is making a profit, which is the aim of any business.

    Personally I think this is the reason King aren't bothered by the complaints from iOS and Windows users regarding the fixed portrait mode. As the majority of players play on mobile they don't care about the minority that play on other platforms.

  • Fran334
    Fran334 Posts: 381

    I really liked having the opportunity to watch a free daily video to have help with my level but I don’t know why they had to take it away from us we have done nothing wrong

  • Lantz01
    Lantz01 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    I Feel as if it is because I don't use actual money for Purchases,I am on a high level and Sweet cinema is the only way I can pass,just like all the contests that are IMPOSSIBLE to win,unless you Purchase gold bars and boosters, I like to play for fun/challenge, I have made inquires so many times about the sweet cinema ads,only to be let down, and I feel like the game is setting players up to fail,because they certainly are not helping in any way for non paying players

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?