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I'm not going to try to help people anymore...

Rhonda_L Posts: 542 Level 3

Previously, I posted about swiping left to opt out of Royale. That was with Android 12. Just a back button, so to speak. It worked.

Low and behold, King somehow made it impossible to back out of Royale. I don't know how, but they did.

Before all you naysayers say it must be my phone, I can still back out from events to the map. I can still back out from accidentally hitting an Ad to get back to the game.

I don't understand why King insists on us playing Royale. What's in it for them? Doesn't make sense to me. Maybe they compensated me by only having me win 8 levels instead of 9? Go figure.

I just know I'm never going to help or suggest things that may help people.

I'm glad I never mentioned my 'go to ' levels. Otherwise, King would have screwed them up.

Beware, people, mention a previous level, King WILL change it

Hard to believe they were petty enough to screw me.

Have a good day, y'all.


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,718 Level 5

    Hi @Rhonda_L I am sad to hear this as I've enjoyed reading your advice here. I have sometimes wondered like you if it is a coincidence that as soon as we write anything positive here King go ahead and change it. If we complain about anything they sure don't. They just pretend to ignore it. When I've tried to help people with a tip I've been trying to hide it in a thread that I know the moderators no longer look at.... such as "feedback on new levels", or "landscape mode", I don't think anyone with a King affiliation ever looks at anything written in there any more. I do think however probably it's all coincidental and not because of what we write here:. They write the game. They know what helps players. They try to block players, so they get rid of features that help players pass levels. The scheme seems to be to make it easy for players at levels up to about 1000 so they get addicted and feel good about the game and from about level 2300 the tables turn and the now (hopefully) addicted players are coerced into spending money. Forcing players into CandyRoyale makes money, I am sure of that. It's why they hold on to it.

  • T0rr1e
    T0rr1e Posts: 208 Level 3

    As I have stated previously KING made 1.21 Billion dollars last year, So they probably have a lot of addicted players.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,716 Legend

    Don't feel too bad about it @Rhonda_L people mentioned using the back button to opt of of the Candy Royale long before you mentioned swiping left.

    I can no longer use the back button on my old android 5 device so I feel partly to blame as well.

    I wonder if the esc button has also stopped working for PC users

  • T0rr1e
    T0rr1e Posts: 208 Level 3

    Yes the esc button stopped working 2days ago now I always have to play the stupid game. It is bad enough that I have to play but the really annoying thing is when I get kicked out about 5 or so minutes later if I am still play it will pop up again it really #%$* . They must know that I am stuck on a level an not going to pass it.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 542 Level 3
    edited July 2023

    Thanks for your feedback, everyone! Now I can assure myself I'm not nuts.

    KING is the one that's gone bat * crazy, changing things that don't need to be changed, fixing things that ain't broke, taken away our love for this stupid game.

    I'm just not going to post anymore hints that I found loopholes in the game. King would find a way to 'fix' them. There are a few.

    Thank you, @christinewupp and @alienor (Whoops, my bad, won't let me erase) @Alienscar for all your good advice and thoughts. It's helped tremendously!

    Have a great day.

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