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Difficulty closing game on iPhone X

Francine_Brady Posts: 3 Newbie

After iPhone update to 1.119.1, there isn't a way to exit out of the game. When I try to activate the app switcher at the bottom, it only scrolls the game.

Best Answer

  • Anthony_Lemus
    Anthony_Lemus Posts: 3 Newbie
    Answer ✓

    This is a bug in Candy Crush on iOS. The Candy Crush app captures the swipe up gesture on iPhone X and this prevents the OS from launching the app switcher, which is how you are supposed to close the app in iOS 11. 

    All other apps allow this gesture to be handled by the OS and thus enable the app close/switch functionality. Candy Crush needs to follow suit and do the same. 

    On a a personal note, this has caused me much frustration as the booster bar is located in the exact position where Apple wants you to swipe up to access the app switcher. This results in accidental taps on boosters that I was otherwise wanting to save. :-(



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,729 Sweet Legend

    Hi Francine, that is very strange.  I only have the iPhone 8 so I'm not sure how the X works.  Have you cleared out the history yet?  Usually a lot of issues keep happening because it's got the history so it's doing the same thing.  Try to clear out the history and then shut down your phone for a few seconds and then open it again.  Please let me know if any of these methods work for you.

  • Anthony_Lemus
    Anthony_Lemus Posts: 3 Newbie
    Answer ✓

    This is a bug in Candy Crush on iOS. The Candy Crush app captures the swipe up gesture on iPhone X and this prevents the OS from launching the app switcher, which is how you are supposed to close the app in iOS 11. 

    All other apps allow this gesture to be handled by the OS and thus enable the app close/switch functionality. Candy Crush needs to follow suit and do the same. 

    On a a personal note, this has caused me much frustration as the booster bar is located in the exact position where Apple wants you to swipe up to access the app switcher. This results in accidental taps on boosters that I was otherwise wanting to save. :-(

  • Seber_Enimer
    Seber_Enimer Posts: 3 Newbie

    This is issue has been there for 6 months and it's very annoying. I cannot believe no one at King has tried the game on iPhone X this is extremely easy to repro, please fix it 

  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,498 Community Manager

    Hi everyone thanks for this feedback. 

    I tested this on my device, and just wanted to check this was the same for everyone. 

    - When on the map or in a level, if I select the Settings tog and the exit I am then taken back to the start screen. Swiping up does close the app from the start screen. 

    The game closes for me but I do not see the option to switch to another app, only close the game itself. 

    Is this the same for everyone else? 


  • Anthony_Lemus
    Anthony_Lemus Posts: 3 Newbie

    Hi everyone thanks for this feedback. 

    I tested this on my device, and just wanted to check this was the same for everyone. 

    - When on the map or in a level, if I select the Settings tog and the exit I am then taken back to the start screen. Swiping up does close the app from the start screen. 

    The game closes for me but I do not see the option to switch to another app, only close the game itself. 

    Is this the same for everyone else? 


    No, that is not the behavior I see with iPhone X. Even on the home screen you have to swipe up twice. The first swipe enables the bar at the bottom indicating that the swipe up gesture is enabled to switch/close the app. This is true for all screens in Candy Crush on iPhone X.Note: this behavior is buggy because the first gesture gets processed as a tap in the game as well as by the OS (enabling the swipe up mode). Only one application should handle the gesture. This is a bug and causes accidental taps, resulting in unintended consequences.Please fix!
  • Seber_Enimer
    Seber_Enimer Posts: 3 Newbie

    Exiting from the map makes it possible to swipe up and exit the app but we should not have to do this extra step.

    The map is the main screen, whenever you finish your 5 lives, this is where you land and this is the moment you want to get out of the app. This is how people use the app, I am sure you already know that. No one wants to have to exit back to the main screen in order to exit the app (and no one has to except for iphone x owners)

    If the only way to exit the app is through the start screen, then take us to the start screen once we have no more lives but that doesn't sound like something you would want to do for obvious reasons so please, just fix the scrolling of the map to allow us to exit.

    If I try to swipe up many times on the map screen I manage to exit but it is very annoying

  • Anthony_Lemus
    Anthony_Lemus Posts: 3 Newbie

    For me, even the home screen does not work using a single gesture. You still have to do two swipes, one to activate the "exit-able" mode and the second to actually exit. Is this not the same for you Seber using iPhone X?

  • Seber_Enimer
    Seber_Enimer Posts: 3 Newbie

    Yes you are right Anthony it takes 2 swipes in exit mode

  • Cezdiamond
    Cezdiamond Posts: 6,498 Community Manager

    Thanks everyone I will pass this on :-) 

  • zgeorge
    zgeorge Posts: 1 Newbie
    This doesn’t seem fixed. I just got my iPhone 10xr and am still learning behaviors and actions, but I can state that it frustrates me when playing candy crush that I can’t easily edit the game like other apps. 

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?