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Rhonda, it's not about seniors. It's about creating a game that can be manipulated technologically to make it almost impossible to pass--unless players pay. I don't see a reason for personal attacks or ridicule. Many of us have enjoyed this game for years, and many are abandoning the game because of the current programming. And it is also about the free vs pay issue. Any time a game is online and involves money, there are legal issues involved. Browse around a bit and we can find long lists of legal do's and don'ts. I'm not the first to take issue with CC regarding their methods used to get people to pay and pay and pay to play.
Here's one example among many:
I'm really kind of amazed at the sarcasm and ill will strangers are so comfortable at hurling at people they don't even know..about a topic that does have a legal basis.
Anyway...wishing you continued good fun with the game! All the best!
I read the article, thanks for the link. I must say I am pretty gob smacked anyone would file a lawsuit like that and have no doubt that King won it hands down. I guess lawsuits are altogether a different ballgame in the United States. Maybe that's why so many of us don't understand your comment about suing King. To Europeans that just seems like a mad idea. The game is free to play and the argument that it is addictive just would not hold up in any court here, it's quite a ridiculous thought. I find it so much less addictive than I used to find Sid Meier's Civilisation. Oh, now that one WAS addictive. I used to stay up all through the night to play Civilisation.... just one more move.... Candy Crush I don't find addictive at all. And the way they have made the game worse and less enjoyable lately, all those changes, make it less and less addictive I think. It's so much easier now to let it go.
This was another one filled. The person spent over 3 000 dollars and wants her money back
Yeah, the dreadful All Stars fiasco. I've been wondering how that lawsuit is getting on now. Now that one, I do have some sympathy with. The lure of a real cash prize and then those vague and (in my opinion deliberately) misleading terms and conditions.....it put me right off the game. That was when I vowed to never spend any money on it again whatsoever.
Agree...! And the whole thing about addictiveness isn't an issue for me either...thank goodness! I'll have to look at the game Civilisation...sounds interesting!
That contest smelled like a scam from day one. A person posted here the he/she spent $1,000 on that contest…go nothing in return.
I think your insight about differences in legal systems is spot on! People here will sue anybody over anything at the drop of a hat. A lot of it is utterly unreasonable. And we are seeing that people are quick to sue and then want their legal fees dropped if they lose....(sigh) ah these modern times we live in. Your description of the game Civilisation has piqued my curiousity. I'll have to look for it online!
I apologize. I was dismissive and rude.
And you are ever so kind to reply in this way. Truly. Thank you and hope to see you in the games.
Titan has set such a great example.
I too apologize. I should have been more mindful of my default tongue-in-cheek way of putting across my ideas to new contacts. Friends who know me understand that I mean no offence.