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Level changed on Candy Crush? Different number of moves or seeing the same level twice?



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,546

    Hi Mrhetler, some of the levels have been fixed but I'm not sure how they make these decisions.  A King Admin does go through these messages so she will definitely see what you wrote here.

  • Mrhetler
    Mrhetler Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Mine has not been fixed. I feel like this was done in poor judgment. Do they expect people to buy boosters when forcibly being left with no option.

  • Penny_Owen
    Penny_Owen Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I'm having the same problem with level 887. This is the 2nd level I have dealt with where the moves were lowered to a stupidly low amount. This game is a freaking scam. Just because of this, I wouldn't buy boosters even if I could! I don't want my money going to this company.

    I feel the same. I can't complete level 887 with only 13 moves and if it isn't changed back to 35 asap I shall be uninstalling the game. I can see that a lot of people feel the same way about the changes you have made to many levels.
  • Randy_Evans
    Randy_Evans Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It’s actually very simple. King is motivated by sales. That is their right and I’ve gotten a lot of enjoyment as a result of their investment. I’m at level 3681. Recently however, the changes have made levels unbeatable for me. It’s no longer fun and I’ll be uninstalling the game after this post. Although, I’m reasonably certain no one will ever see this post, I do not wish King ill or that people will boycott them, I just think they have lost their way. They used to walk the line well between profitability and entertainment. They’ve crossed a line that it will be difficult to return from and I can’t join them down that path. I hope they can recapture “the magic.”

    I will be uninstalling, also. Level 553 in 14 moves is clearly not possible. I have had 2 different 1hr bonuses and could not even come close. I play these for fun, not to be frustrated. I will go back to solitaire, which is free and reliable. I will avoid any King Care games completely from now on.
  • Suzy_Fuller
    Suzy_Fuller Posts: 15

    Level 2

    edited October 2018

    WOW. What a horrible answer to what seems to be an issue with a lot people.  I guess it is time for me to find a new game.  I don't like a game that sets it up that people can only get through a level by having to spend money for boosters.  I will check in again someday to see if the moves for my level have been put back to the original number.  As for now I will not waste my time playing a level that is impossible to complete with the moves allotted.

    Can you please explain how a 73% reduction in moves, with no other changes made to the game, constitutes a "minor" variation? Seriously. I'd really like to hear your response.
  • Jodi_Haldeman
    Jodi_Haldeman Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Take me out of the test group you put me in without my permission.  You're not going to get a single penny out of me, so knock it off before I start spreading the word you are doing this to get people's money.  I have a lot of friends who play CCS and some of us are around the the same level and and we enjoy trying to get ahead of each other.  But if some of us are being ripped off with a reduction of moves in certain levels it takes the fun out of playing.  None of my friends spend money playing this game either so STOP ALREADY! It's not fair!

  • Jodi_Haldeman
    Jodi_Haldeman Posts: 2

    Level 1

    13 moves for level 2172?  Are you serious?  Please stop the test groups and put us all at the same number of moves for every level!

  • Scrapulicious
    Scrapulicious Posts: 3

    Level 1

    WOW. What a horrible answer to what seems to be an issue with a lot people.  I guess it is time for me to find a new game.  I don't like a game that sets it up that people can only get through a level by having to spend money for boosters.  I will check in again someday to see if the moves for my level have been put back to the original number.  As for now I will not waste my time playing a level that is impossible to complete with the moves allotted.

    Yep this is rediculous.. it should read: “if you want to pass, PURCHASE boosters... nope!
  • Julie_Painter
    Julie_Painter Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I am currently on level 1291, I have been given 14 moves to complete the task, 

    I have asked for help from one of your testers, to find that they have 40 moves to complete the same board.

    I feel this is grossly unfair!  26 more moves???

    Please could you give everyone the same opportunity to progress, no matter what device they are playing on.

    This is not the first time I have noticed this.

    I will boycott king games in future if you don’t play fair.

    Julie P

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Unfortunately though, this isn't all about test groups. Sometimes the levels have been changed since they were released, and that is why videos are sometimes different.

    With all due respect @Jodi of course King are trying to make money. Electricity bills still have to be paid. Staff would much rather be paid in money rather than candy or beans. Its unrealistic to expect a free game to not make money from somewhere. They need to earn money to give you more levels to play. If you choose to not pay that is entirely up to you. In which case if you are patient, they will likely change levels so they are the same for everyone. King are not the only company that do this and are certainly not the only company that produce a product that still requires services and staffing to be paid for. 

    @Julie, yeah I felt the same too. Unfortunately their businesses didn't go under when I refused to play their games due to their endless glitches.  Farmville is still going strong I hear lol. If its really that irritating, there are plenty of other games out there especially on mobiles. Its not worth stressing over :)

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