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why does your email not work and NO EVENTS in a game

UrSweet1 Posts: 32 Level 2

Hi, two things really...

I see your email on CONTACT US still is not working, you go through all the filling in of details, clicking squares with bikes or tractors only to get the error message that something went wrong.

Is this so you dont have to deal with people and force them to com here? It has been doing this for months now

Second thing is, since you changed to portrait mode, I dont have any events, it just says COMING SOON, but this was months ago.

Best Answer

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 150,652 Candy Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for reporting , Ill pass this feedback to the Game Team. For no Events in your game . The features might be temporarily unavailable as features come and go. They are not the permanent part of the game and can be replaced or unavailable at any time. Always keep your game up to date


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