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Don't be fooled guys. All King's changes are for King's benefit not the players. What's all this with showing others when we last played and how many levels we've passed, what's that got to do with anyone else. Don't like all the friend requests I'm getting, don’t need anymore my list is crammed and I don't like refusing but I am.
Who makes these decisions, certainly not those playing the game, yawn.
I stopped playing a long time ago and constantly check what's being changed and commented on in the Community to see if it's worth playing again. So now it's been decided to let everyone know how many levels you've managed to pass, how often you bother to log in and if you've got any friends to send 1 life to. Haha that's another good reason for me not to restart.
To get back onto the topic here, as one of the players who now can tap on those random player icons to befriend them I am rather put off by the fact that they all seem to be carefully picked by King to match my play! Okay, so we do know that King like to keep a firm grip of control over players game, now it seems they want to control who we should choose as friends as well. All of those player icons in my game are people who have passed at least 100 levels this week, which, given that I'm playing at level 1071 seems odd, to say the least. It's certainly not a random selection of players at my level range, and I doubt any of them would need me to befriend them or send them lives. They seem to know how to beat this game and probably zoom through the episodes without losing any lives. I would like to have friends and send lives to players that actually need them. That would be my suggestion and request: Just put in random players. Those in my game are definitely NOT random.
And to stay on the topic, like I was, it's all a load of old baloney. All King needed to do was update the friend link thread or start a new one showing again how to request friends. So many changes in the last year or so and from what I've seen they never listen to players feedback re what is really needed.
Why do they think it's right to show how many levels someone has passed or how many lives they have sent to make them worthy of befriending. Many good and long term players that I have followed have given up with comments and feedback because it's just ignored. New map, no scroll to lower levels but now full of strangers. Chocolate box now full of timed boosters. Episode race missing on a lot of levels and if you do get it only worth playing for 1st place. Sweet Crew and Candy Royale can't opt out of and only for players who have got or are able to keep passing new levels. Pot of Gold where players are still reporting they didn't receive their gold. I can't think of any changes made making the game more fun or interesting for players, and now a group of strangers - some probably being King moles - put on the map.
Oh can't wait to see what they do next.
Dislike and cannot see the point of it.
Sorry, but my post came with a delay. I had written it BEFORE your post and that is why I had that comment on staying on topic. You know what they are like here, they send comments for approval..... I had a word in it they didn't like.
Hi Christine. I totally agree with what you say. This week, for the first time in many moons, I have passed 100 levels in Soda, but only because I had my third top-three finish, plus a couple of 4 in a row, Shipmates and boosters from my great Bake a cake team - and I used them. If anyone takes that as my regular showing and wants to befriend me, they're in for a big surprise!
My showing in CCS won't be very impressive, because I rarely ever get into double figures!
Yes I saw that it was also on page 10 after I had posted, but I wasn’t replying to you in a negative way, I'm not like that. Just putting what the majority want to say again, in case anyone from King is checking posts.
@christinewupp I like the fact that the people they put on the map are at my level but I wish they were on my friends list. I would be able to tap and send lives right on the map plus I would know who to unfriend because it would show the last time played and if they send lives. One thing I noticed is that you can't send multiple lives to a person I don't like that. It does give the option to befriend them which we can if we like .I actually kind of like it.
@Blister What's all this with showing others when we last played and how many levels we've passed, what's that got to do with anyone else.
If you would rather people did not know when you last played you can turn that part of your Player Card off.