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Qualifying for the final round to earn my yearly supply of gold bars

junky Posts: 45

Level 3

edited January 2024 in Discussions

Ok King CC here is the problem. I am on level 9394 busting my fingers to win these levels so I can win a year supply of gold bars in which that will be about 100 monthly. So I have won 17 races in a now I am in the final round to try to get in the top 3 to be qualified for the gold rewards.So CC put one on me. My adds at the end of each game stop coming over causing me to loose. Also the last race I was in to get to the 18 straight race was so very difficult at winning I did not even have a chance. I was having to constantly ask everyone for a life. Well I lost out! I was in the top 10 in which that is no rewards to win. But not in the top 3. I really regret I failed to take a screen shot picture of all those in the top 10 in that race.This was a few days ago. The winner was on a level of 1000. REALLY REALLY!!! Go an research an pull it up , prove to me I am wrong. Also only 2 out of the 10 was up close to me. This is UNFAIR an some one needs to fixed this. Why aren't we playing with others close to us.All of their levels are so easily to be won I didn't even have a chance. Several was on the low graded levels and they was just mopping up easily as I was busting my tail to win . This is like the NFL Super bowl champs Chiefs play against the junior high football . Do you see my point. ??? Very unfair an disappointed in King selecting these low grade levels against me. If I was on level 1000 I would love it winning against everyone.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,021

    I would like to inform you that the levels in the 1000-4000 range have also been made hard with many impossible legendary levels since you played them. The levels get tweaked every week and I do not believe that players on these level have an unfair advantage over players where you are playing any more because King make levels harder for everyone whilst there are these leaderboard contests going on like the Winter Cup. Try playing a few of the "easy" episodes without boosters right now and you might see what I mean.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Very unfair an disappointed in King selecting these low grade levels against me. 

    @junky a game that includes players that use money to purchase boosters and those that don't can never be considered 'fair' in the first place.

  • junky
    junky Posts: 45

    Level 3

    Its amazing when the candy royal comes up an you have no option to get around it.some times it says win 7 levels, an times it will go to 8 levels, then 12 levels, then 21 levels. But when they pair you up with the other 100 they are on the 9000 level like I am now. I don't have no first graders playing in my adult royal. So when we are competing in the contest it needs to be all close to be FAIR !!!!!! I believe at times the contest is rigged an CC will hold you back at times from winning. I know . I have seen an witness this.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited January 2024

    Whilst you might think the Candy Royale seems fair I would say it isn't as fair as you think. For one thing the Royale isn't a live race and the people that you are playing against could have completed the levels of the Royale months/years ago. This means the levels you are playing and the levels your competitors played are completely different. Legendary levels didn't exist for one thing and the levels probably had more moves.

    Also you have no idea how many of the 100 players used money to complete the levels

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,021

    Candy Royale is like the episode race a selection of recordings of players who played in the past. It is 100% controlled by King as to how high your payout will be if you manage to win, their computers choose those 100 players to fix your potential winnings. This is quite clear in my two games. I once won the 500 gold jackpot and recently my payout is always between 20-30 gold, whenever I play. This event is fixed by King.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 91

    Level 3

    On the topic of the 500 payout, once had, I think, two or four people left after the first level and it was nothing special. I was mighty confused by that one.

    I didn't realize the range for the players would go that far back. I just assumed they took say 3 or 4 patches worth of player recordings as to avoid changes in levels. The only caveat would be just after a level was updated as there would be no way to get around it.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited January 2024

    @Pyrolight the range for players might not go back that far, but I am willing to gamble that they go back at least a year. Players at the end of the map were told that that the Candy Royale would not work properly for them because there weren't enough players to fulfil the 100 player requirement. When you consider that 0.5% of the player base is at the end of the map then this seems an odd thing for King to say. I took from this it is less about the number of players available and more about the number of players that have completed a level.

    Just like the script that updates the level difficulty ratings requires weeks of playing to update a level causing people to think that an unmarked level is too hard it is plain that King uses weight of numbers to control the bias of their scripts.

  • lynnette125
    lynnette125 Posts: 78

    Level 3

    Every game for winning gold bars I won everytime top leader now my game is frozen and I can’t play I put money in this If what ur saying is true that’s. It fair at all. How do I get notified. If u won anyway??

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