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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels!



  • MissM250
    MissM250 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    What are you doing

  • Russ_Boudrie
    Russ_Boudrie Posts: 66

    Level 3

    I am on 15,238 and probably stop playing the game soon as it has become really shitty and no fun anymore. I do not like playing each level 40 or so times to beat it. Bit of a bore, sorry but the game sucks since around 12,000. Goodbye

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 607

    I totally agree!! playing the same level 30 to 50 times and still not passing with the use of boosters and gold bars is getting ridiculous... I went from winning weekly races and royale races to winning nothing in the past few weeks!! the free moves and boosters for watching videos at the end of each level are gone so we are forced to use gold bars to finish the level/candy royale are gone

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 607
    edited January 2024

    new levels *!! they are super hard, impossible to beat, even the EASY level is hard to pass (15046)and the super hard and nightmarishly hard are a * nightmare even for a seasoned player like myself and other players as well... ADMIN, please listen to the vast majority of comments, levels 14,000 and 15,000 and up is too complicated, I get yall want to levels to be challenging but at this point, it is discouraging and not enjoyable anymore...playing the same level for days and using up all of my boosters and gold bars is just get stuck on the next level is sad and disheartening

    *Edited by CM: Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Our House Rules

  • ChocolateCherry
    ChocolateCherry Posts: 30

    Level 3

    I’ve played a level at least 300 times and can’t win it. I don’t have any boosters and can’t purchase anything like coins or more boosters

    any suggestions? I guess I’m on my last game

  • ChocolateCherry
    ChocolateCherry Posts: 30

    Level 3

    Level 6380

    ive played at least 1000 times

    cannot win it without spending money and I can’t spend any so I guess this will be my game for life

    game is rigged to get money

    I don’t have any

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,015

    Hi @ChocolateCherry Surely, as you say yourself with the game being rigged, you must realise that you will never win this levels because the algorithm has been changed by King so that players who do not spend gold or boosters on this level will not pass. You have probably won the prize for the most tries of one single level though!

    There have been several complaints in the past two weeks of levels being "pay-walled", i. e. there being no lucky board at all that will let a player pass without buying extra moves or using at least a lollipop or switch or UFO near the end. The game is definitely rigged this way. It has been like this in levels from about 12,000 onwards for most of last year, but since 2024 it seems to have crept into levels much lower down as well.

    I'd be interested to hear from @Johnny_Crush on this. Are you still around? What do you make of these new algorithms and am I right in my speculation that some of these level can not no longer be passed without boosters? Are you still bothering to play these?

    Are the algorithms now repeating i.e. circular without ever giving a lucky board?

    I suggest you quit the game at this point @ChocolateCherry . At least for a while. Give it a break for a few weeks, maybe King will come to their senses and change the way this level plays. There is no point whatsoever trying to pass this level after so many failed attempts.

  • DBrain
    DBrain Posts: 627

    Wow! 1000 times, that’s a lot for a level, And I am pretty sure king is aware of it. You are damn right the game is being rigged to favour King while we enjoy ourselves playing it, I use to get 45GBs for finishing first but I guess King noticed my straight, steady and constant wins then dropped it to 35GBs, Well I get it, I fully understand they are running a business, I need to give back 😀

    They are in for the money, the game is free to us because the raise money from other ways which is expected. Directly or indirectly players have to spit it out money,🫣 either by spending on boasters or on ads to progress in the game. I made my peace with that.

    I will advise you to take a break from the game for awhile, To get enough rest because you can’t beat a level when you are stressed and tired, Calm your nerves then try again.

    I will so advise you to play online, so can get ads, you will be surprised what 3 extra moves from the ads you watch can do for you, And if you are lucky King can throw you 5 extra moves or even attach UFO once in awhile for you, I love that about King.Thumbs king 👍👌🏾👏🏾

    I hope you beat the level soon.

    Good luck friend

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,015

    @DBrain You are aware of all those posts of players who complain they don't get ads in their games, either lost them or never had them? Not everyone who plays online gets this opportunity, far from it. Also, you either spend money on the game or get to watch ads. If you or anyone has ever managed to spend money on any offers and keep their adverts I would like to hear from them, because when I tried this out in my two games the adverts did disappear on the next working day. I admire your patience and kind words, but be careful not to rub salt into the wounds of the countless players who have lost the opportunity to watch adverts. If you weren't aware of this, check out this thread

  • DBrain
    DBrain Posts: 627

    I am among those players who complained, I vividly remember complaining about ads and none activities during winter cup or so, I only spoke this because of the new feature, Treasure hunt is a new feature and if you have the feature you automatically have ads, I believe it was introduced to players last week because I got the pop up message recently.

    And since then I get ads even though it is not constant, it comes and go. I had just few today and none again since then, My point is that ads can be handy and a bail out once in awhile, as we speak I am stuck, and I got thrown out of Candy Royals at the 20th level with already a cut of 250 GBs cut, very painful, I must say it affected my game play and I hope I don’t kiss my winning streak goodbye, if only I had ads I would have done something. And I have played the level several times more but no way out yet🫣. 3 moves from ad would have helped me finished the level few times I played it but none. I feel the heat too don’t get me wrong. But ad helpful whenever it comes especially when you need few moves to finish the level..I want to believe we all have treasure hunt, it’s not steady though

    No harm meant friends😊

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