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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! 2023



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006

    @Jimmie70 I understand and agree with you. Please could you post in the 2024 thread though, as this is last year's, so no one is likely to read your posts here. Try this thread next time you post:

  • DBrain
    DBrain Posts: 627

    Hey there, Please take a deep breath and try to calm down, Calm down friend🙏, I do feel your pain and frustration.

    You have friends here, and we are definitely reading and feeling your pain. Sorry for the inconveniences in the game, it will definitely pass and make you thicker in the game trust me.

    I was once in your shoes, I uninstalled CCS, I ignored it for awhile🫣, and I didn’t even bother reinstalling it when I got a new phone, And when I say awhile I meant I ignored it for some years, I totally forgot about CCS just because I was stuck and I was frustrated only to reinstall it after I helped someone pass a stuck level, funny enough I beat the level I was stuck on on my first attempt without any boaster,

    I believe I came back stronger, better and more calculative, I got inspiration from my CCS friend list friends on higher levels, I was like if they can make it that far I can too, and which means all levels are playable, Even though I knew some spend money to get there, I had to learn to play with my head😂, As we speak I just have one more friend to beat😂. They have been my drive and inspiration.😊

    I don’t rush the game thank goodness there is no timer, It’s best to win level at the first try, so I take my time, calculate every move before I make them, it’s easier to beat the level at the first attempt because of the built up boasters from previous winnings (winning streak)

    Bear in mind CCS will never give you a free pass even if you are privileged to make a direct call to them, They are running a business, it is up to you figure it out, to beat the levels.

    Also bear in mind that you can never beat/pass a level when you’re tired, frustrated or when you make a random move, every level is tricky, study it before you make a move. You said you were stuck before but you eventually beat the level👏🏾, there is no level that is not playable friend.. I don’t play when I know I am not ready to play an episode straight, I almost lost my winning streak last week because I was tired, and I had just one level to finish the episode, I had to risk it, I left it and slept and picked up the next morning when I was fresh, lucky enough I was still in the lead and I beat the level in just one attempt.

    I will advise you to take a break, get enough rest and return fresh, the game is yours..

    Good luck friend

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited January 2024

    A wise person once said: We don't play Candy Crush, Candy Crush plays us. Sounds like Confucius, but it was something a player posted here in the forum a long time ago. Sorry, but I can't recall now who it was or where I read it. But how true it is!

    Don't be fooled into thinking you have any control over the game or can win levels by "thinking" about moves or strategy. It's just what King want you to believe. But they control us like puppets on a string. I play a level in about one minute and pass, because the game lets me pass. If I can see with three moves left that I won't pass I play a booster and then the game lets me pass. If it still doesn't (legendary level oh hell!), I pay 10 gold, and then it lets me pass. It's what the game wants you to do, so you have to go along with it.

    We don't play Candy Crush. Candy Crush plays us.

  • spel 14926 na 3 dagen niet uit te spelen met 28 of 32 zetten Zal best niet meer proberen blijft tijdverspilling

  • Currently on level 5432 and 😡 I also am asking why do some merged wrapped blow them to smítherines, & in this level...oooo noooooo ... I've literally wasted well over 200 men on this level and I can't buy boosters cause for somé reason Google Play needs details on my prepaid Play cards and have open tickets for 6 weeks ñow and still no word why I can't get my cards activated and no word back..but anyways I think definitely this level needs some attention revamping somethg cause I'm one aggravated crusher esp when I have 1, UNO, SINGLE BOX left several times to passi am considered a pro player añd not feeling like one , funny if i dont spend $$ i dont get any freebies for help... And I'm failing all these çhallenges cause I can't make it pass this ridiculous level to get to ñew challenges..😭😭😭😭😭😭 😤😤😤😤😤 HELP PLEASE... THANK U ..

  • lillyb51
    lillyb51 Posts: 99
    edited January 2024

    I also see I earned 3 year badge umm I've been here a lot longer than that.. more like 2004? 05 maybe.. I had issue with signing in on a new phone and support person said it WUD merge and it didn't . My original and FB account is s* Lillian Ouimette-Hussey is the original I couldn't sign in with.. * I created when had issue that day.. it néver merged and i see i lost alot of badges cause of this... @kiara_wael how can I get it fixed Hun please & ty..

    *Edited by CM: That's too much personal information. For your own safety and protection do not share your email address - Our House Rules

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,006
    edited January 2024

    I am not sure this community even existed in 2004 or 2005? According to your profile here your first post was in November 2020. Are you sure you posted here earlier than that @lillyb51 ?

  • Blanke
    Blanke Posts: 67

    Level 3

    Very impressive levels you are on@RickT@Munster I am 6 away from 5000. Game is tricky however Soooo much fun KEEP CRUSHING

  • Game 14935 impossible to complete. Been stuck for a whole week. Is that King's intention to make the games impossible from

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