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Dice Of Destiny

Alienscar Posts: 14,538 Legend

Anyone else seeing this new feature in their game's today, or is it an old feature I have just received?


  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,539 Level 5

    Yes, I've got it too. It seems to be a new feature. I can click on the treasure chest to see what's in it. Mine has a lollipop, a hand switch, a colour bomb and a striped/wrapped candy. It's not much to shout about and I haven't got to the chest yet. I reckon I need to play at least two episodes to get the chest, I seem to be about half way after one episode.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 883 Level 3
    edited March 12

    Curious. I wonder if they are using this non season to test out stuff for next month or whenever the allstars season starts since one would assume this would have normally been part of the new events for season x. Also if it is a tiny group like the last few have been.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,538 Legend

    In many ways I find it no different to the Sweet Cinema or the Treasure Hunt. Disappointingly I have rolled twice and received Fish after each roll.

    Another disappointment is that this feature's animations seems to have been designed by the same team that produced the animations for the Candy Royale. That is, the animations are far too long. There is absolutely no need for the 'board' to be layed out move by move each time before you roll.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,538 Legend
    edited March 13

    @QueenB animations and pop-ups have been complained about by members of this forum for quite some time now. There is even an idea dedicated to the subject of less pop-ups. Can you please let the team responsible for the Dice of Destiny know that when it comes to feature animations less is better than more.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,539 Level 5

    I've been playing this event for two days now. It reminds me of Hungry Hatchling, the way it keeps continuing, once you get to the gold box the next one automatically opens and like in Hungry Hatchling you have to pass new levels to advance. I totally agree with @Alienscar that the graphics for this event are annoyingly drawn out. I don't like it because of that. It's just pointless animations.

  • Rhonda_L
    Rhonda_L Posts: 540 Level 3

    I received this event 2 days ago. First reward was a 1 Cake Bomb. Not even really paying attention to it now as I keep getting stuck on the Bubble Gum squares. Waste of time IMO trying to shoot for the dice.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?