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How to WIN All Stars

christinewupp Posts: 6,288 Level 5

Now I have your attention:

Of course we can't all win All Stars, so before you start to get carried away with this competition my best advice is to use the qualifier rounds to test how many purple candies you can crush in half an hour. You must know what score you can reach before the real test starts on April 20th with the final knockout rounds:

At any time into the event, note down your score and set a timer. Crush as fast and as hard as you can for half an hour or an hour. Check your score. Calculate your score of purple stars per minute. Don't forget to factor in the multiplier for new levels, which is probably going to be 30x.

My own score is about 85/minute at my normal play. So with a 30x multiplier for new levels this would show up as 2550 purple per minute on the leaderboard, but it can be upped to 100/minute (3000 with the multiplier) if I play lots of boosters and use gold to play on to keep my win streak.

Last year's winning scores to reach the final 10 were 4-6 million in 24 hours (with a 30x multiplier), so if playing for the full 24 hours non stop that would be 92 - 139 purple candies per minute.

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Be aware that the real competition does not start until the final knockout rounds on April 20th. Before that round player numbers are not limited, so any good player who wants to win will be able to join that first final knockout round. From that point on the competition will be brutal, as the field of millions will be reduced to just 10 finalists.

Candy Crush All Stars is not like a lottery: Anyone not able to crush enough purple stars will have a winning chance of zero. That is less chance than if you bought a lottery ticket. So don't spend your life savings hoping to win this competition!


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