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So far, so good....

christinewupp Posts: 6,542 Level 5

I am still working my way towards the first Final Knockout round with all three of my flowers. My strategy for this round was: Just do enough crushing to make sure I end up in the top 5.

It's been boring so far, but maybe the next round will be harder. I might have to decide which of my flowers will make it to the Final Knockout rounds.

Sunflower is losing gold: I had just over 3000 gold at level 2000 I think, that was the peak. By level 6500 I'm down to 767, so not good. The game really has become a pay to play game, so I do wonder if any non cheater can get to the finals without paying a lot of money for gold bars.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,542 Level 5
    edited April 9

    On that note, I have been wondering if King have an algorithm up their sleeves to identify cheaters by the facts that they do know about each player ID. I started two test games last summer, one that uses glitches in the game to make gold and one that doesn't. Both are now in the same level range. Sunflower has no boosters and must pay gold for them. Do King know what events they have given my games and therefore what free boosters I might have earned at a maximum?. They also know what gold I earned from Champions Races, Candy Royale and other events, plus they could have recorded my ongoing gold balance on their servers and have record of what boosters I bought with my gold. Then, since last year's All Stars King have changed a lot of levels to take control over whether they can be passed without boosters or paying gold. The level algorithms are fixed to either pass with strategic play, pass with boosters, or pass with gold, so King could in theory calculate what the maximum gold total possible for a non paying player at level 6500 would be after six months play. Maybe I am overanalysing this and King are not that clever though….. But my guess is, if I won All Stars with Echinacea (the pink flower) King would question how I got to 15,000 gold in that account over the past six months.

    So far therefore I think my newest game, Cornflower, stands the best chance. I am at level 600 with this and I know that there are plenty of easy levels to come and it is still making a gold profit with each Champions Race.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 883 Level 3

    So far therefore I think my newest game, Cornflower, stands the best
    chance. I am at level 600 with this and I know that there are plenty of
    easy levels to come and it is still making a gold profit with each
    Champions Race.

    I am curious to see how you fair this time around from 650-800. I didn't make much profit from 650 to 800 simply due to the constant 4-7 stupid levels each episode. 800+ has been a pure joy compared to that section.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,542 Level 5

    That is a good point and thanks for the tip @Pyrolight ! If those levels are bad then maybe I will continue to play up to level 800 now while there is no competition. That is a great idea, thanks! Then once it hots up I'll have the better levels to compete with.

  • TPS23
    TPS23 Posts: 152 Level 2

    That's impressive, @christinewupp ^^. I probably played 1-2 episodes a day. However, as you mentioned in another post (I think), to stay in the top 5 of the first two rounds is simple and possible, just play your games as usual. Today, I'm happy to see "Candy Collection" event showing up again, collecting green candies for boosters. I personally enjoy side events so much ^^, a lot more fun.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,542 Level 5

    Yes, @TPS23 One or two episodes is a healthy way to play and I know I'm overdoing it at the moment. Yours is a much better way to play. I've gotten a bit carried away with those test games, but am ready to give it all up after All Stars. Enjoy your game and good luck!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,542 Level 5

    Hell, @Pyrolight those levels are awful, you are right. I played the two episodes 651-680 tonight. Dreadfully booster hungry. I played CB and stripe/wrap timed pre level on all the levels, the normal ones were all ok, but all the nightmarish and legendary ones were just win streak blockers and/or pay to play. I got through those with a combination of switches, hammers and gold to play on, but lost my win streak three times.

    I started off with 739 gold and finished the two episodes with 703 gold.

    I tried playing level 674 without the lucky candy booster: big mistake. Second try with all three starting boosters I got a lucky board and no problem at all.

    Level 659 was really bad (as @hug001 noted elsewhere) I thought I had it sorted playing a switch to get the two colour bombs side by side on my starting board, and then clearing the whole board of blockers in no time, but I was still left a few reds short and had to also play on for 10 gold AND use a switch as well on that one. Awful.

    The game is offering me 10 extra moves after just one fail, then 15 extra etc, so I just managed to pass both episodes within my 5 lives

    I'm sure I remember it getting better from level 710 onwards, but we'll see.

  • Colleen12
    Colleen12 Posts: 744 Level 4
    edited April 10

    Reading both your comments here with obvious interest. @Pyrolight @christinewupp have either of you reset your Candy Crush game? I am not interested in the All Star event but I keep managing to get to the next knockout round without even trying. I am at level 15444, this episode is wonderful, there are nine levels that are hard, super hard, nightmarishly hard or legendary levels. I suspect that I will be here for a while 🤣 Have a great day

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 6,542 Level 5
    edited April 10

    If you mean reset to level 1, yes I have done this numerous times.

    Each time you log out of your account you automatically start off again at level 1 as a completely new player. If you ignore any prompts to save the new game and if you then log into your account with the new game at a later stage you can carry over any boosters you earned, but not your gold. So I use the gold to buy boosters before I log into my account. I did this recently in fact: I played a new account all the way to about level 1000 I think and made so much gold from the champions races that I could buy a lot of party poppers and UFOs to help me back onto my feet with my game that I had abandoned at level 15,000. I am now at level 15,637 on that one. However, if you choose save a new game with a new login then there is a risk of accounts merging unless you use a different device. I have four devices and four different accounts.

    Resetting your game right now will of course lose you any chance to further compete in All Stars.

  • Colleen12
    Colleen12 Posts: 744 Level 4

    I may have to try this. Frankly I could not care about the All Star Event. I keep getting to the next knockout round and I am not even interested. Have a great day 😊

  • TPS23
    TPS23 Posts: 152 Level 2

    I’m curious about “account merging”. How does that work?

    Thanks for sharing about playing from level 1 and carrying all boosters to current level. Does it mean the boosters will be added to your current level’s booster stack, right? That’s something I will try when I have more time ^^.

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