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  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39 Level 2
    edited April 28

    He ended with almost 6million lol One million ahead of second place yet the two of them never stopped … Why would engine continue to play and spend money when you are less than 6hrs from ending and 1million points ahead?? Why would you continue to play and spend money if you were in 2nd (Mary) knowing you couldn’t catch up? So sad how many people were ripped off bc of this game and I definitely entered it with such high hopes and loving it … admittedly I was knew, but I was “crushing” it while winning every challenge by over 500,000 pts and then everything people were reporting started happening to me. Fool me once, shame on you.. fool me twice, shame on me…so there will not be a twice… never again:(

    *happen to good people

    *Edited by CM: Hold on a bit! Please remember to be sweet and kind - Our House Rules

  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39 Level 2

    That’s a great question lol Who saves thousands of dollars just to play Candy Crush? I would get sponsorships if I knew I’d have to spend that kind of money rather than lose my own hard earned money to a game… someone on the other side that may not even be a person lol or a cheater that doesn’t get caught

    I learned a lot from this experience and even though I regret spending any money, I know that I was actually really good … too bad it was more about profits than skill I think it would have been cool to see a new player make it that far when so many thought they couldn’t … one person literally just told me to quit bc other players were better than me but I made it into the 2nd finals despite their negativity

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    Sponsors for Candy Crush? Not really a thing. Also if you know you have a good chance, played last year, to get to the final 10, you will get your money back and then some.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 14,828 Legend
    edited April 29

    What kind of preparation did you have for this tournament, with the exception of saving money? You referred that you have be preparing this since last year.

    Hi @GiggzZz obviously I can't say for sure what preparation David did, but my guess is that it is something that has been discussed here quite a bit.

    Experienced players started new games and due to their experience were able to play the earlier levels without much trouble. This results in a player getting to level 3000 or so with a lot of gold and saved boosters.

    Also, and I don't know if I have got this right, if a player signs out of their game and doesn't sign back in their game starts at level one. If that player then plays their game without signing back in when they do sign back in any gold they win is still kept when they eventually sign back in.

    As far as I can see there is one risk with starting a new game. The rules forbid a player to have more than one account on the same platform, so if a player has started a new account on (for example) android but they already have an existing account this could see them being eliminated even if they come top of the leaderboard.

  • lisalisa73
    lisalisa73 Posts: 39 Level 2

    I already have several lined up lol I had several groups of populations following me throughout this tournament and it grew so much in its own… humbling to see how many athletes, adults, students etc were cheering for me… they were sad to see me finish and it warmed my heart to know that they wanted this for me as much as I wanted it to do so much for them

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    Well colour me surprised. Not in a million years would I have thought anyone would want to sponsor the event.

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