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And the winners are: Bots and Cheaters



  • aliceplum
    aliceplum Posts: 2 Newbie

    Their best argument "no screenshots, didn't happen" lol. "Unlikely that you lost because of cheating, source: trust me bro".

  • Rebirth_Phoenix
    Rebirth_Phoenix Posts: 24 Level 2

    Oh, you again, Pyro Guy!! Let me ask you sth. You went to the final, didn’t you?

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    No. I will not spend a dime on this game. Thus my odds of getting to the final were somewhere between 0 and 0 to the power of infinity.

    I like others know exactly what the even was about, making money. Also we had some knowledge from last year as to what you needed to win. Combine that and it would have just been money wasted on my part. I have no illusions that I could maintain the needed rate per hour.

  • Einstein7
    Einstein7 Posts: 6 Level 2

    I understand this stance. I was wondering if people may have thought I was a bot— because I placed 1st on every stage but the finale; I can move pretty quick with boosters and money; just like anyone else. But I did realize in the finale that people were quicker- respect to those people. There are those that will just be better-and I could see them move through the leaderboard at a reasonable pace. But, I have not seen a legitimate response yet from reading your posts to those, as myself, witnessed, 125,000k plus in the first 2min of the game. How do you explain that away? That is obviously a bot. It is quite insulting to suggest that we are just sore losers because we think we are better than we are. I would much rather lose to somebody that is better than me and have I would have no complaint. I played the finale with no breaks. Glued to my phone. 24 hours straight. I saw those below me slowly rise through the ranks. Fine. We aren’t mad because people are better than us. We are mad because there were obvious bots in the first 5 min of the finale, and we can’t be certain we didn’t lose to a bot. Instead of accusing us of being sore losers, assure us that King is going to do its due diligence in ensuring a fair game and leave it to that. We did just spend our time and money. In fact, I hope the person that played 24 hours straight and was ahead of me in 7th place won (vs my 11th place). Excuse the rambling-I was just awake for 24 hours.

  • mizmonnj
    mizmonnj Posts: 8 Level 2
    edited April 28

    @Einstein7 my exact experience. Wish I could be as eloquent as you. 1st in every qualifier, rounds, and final knock outs. Until today. I knew I was going to have to outlay more money on boosters for round three. I played much more aggressively, furiously tapping my iPad, NO breaks. Husband assisted with clothing in bathroom as I was crushing even. I looked at the leaderboard after my third level and felt like quitting. The amount in less than five minutes was staggering. No screen shot as I was tapping like mad. I still have trouble wrapping my mind around how fast the top level player moved. I really thought I stood a good chance. I was in 11th place and clawed my way up a place about every 2-3 hours. I didn’t take time to scroll the board, just kept giving it my all. With about 5 hours left, I scrolled up and was elated to see that the initial player I suspected of cheating was no longer there. I hoped that King had stepped in and that gave me even more hope. I plowed more money in in the hopes of reaching the top three. I knew I would not be first. I foolishly hoped there would be a wildcard or something…. I am exhausted and rambling. Just checked in to see if anyone commented on bots or cheats…WOW. Someone even called out the person who came in first on my leaderboard. I would be gutted if that were true. I saw it through to the end and know I am a pretty good player. I did not use party blasters on every level, I actually tried to collect as many purple candies as I could on a level, and if there were none or few blasted out asap. My budget is shot, my eyes and brain are tired, and I’m not sure I will ever play again. This last round sucked all the joy. My only time for screen shots was the last 58 seconds. The differences seemed reasonable, so I graciously admit defeat. I am crusher. A 62 year old lady. Hat tipped @JohnGalt2

  • mizmonnj
    mizmonnj Posts: 8 Level 2

    Ps, if you win big in LA JohnGalt2, I could use a few bucks.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3
    edited April 28

    Forum keep eating my posts, dunno what is triggering it today. The super short version.

    1. Didn't accuse you of being bitter
    2. Most people are just bitter though
    3. I saw is not evidence
    4. Already cleared up multiple cheater claims
    5. If someone cheated they will be removed.
    6. 125k in 2 min is a h-a-c-k (apparently triggering the forum filter) not a bot. Anyway minor point.

  • verntar
    verntar Posts: 6 Level 2

    You scored exactly what is possible through legitimate means which is around 150k per hour or 3.6 mil in 24 hours. I challenge anyone to explain how 5 mil is possible without cheating. They won't because it's not.

  • Pyrolight
    Pyrolight Posts: 884 Level 3

    I suspect you mean Luj, who changed their name to Luistio. They were one of the two players that were really setting off the alarm bells for cheating. The other person had 7+ million points which would be insane.

    What makes you think 150K is the max? How did you come to that number exactly? I have wining scores from 4 boards which put around 10 people well over 150K per hour. 5 million and ~200K seems to be the max legit scores. Same as last year.

  • verntar
    verntar Posts: 6 Level 2

    I was spam using flying saucers to get through levels as quickly as possible. I tried other methods and none netted more than 150k per hour. If you know of a method that nets more feel free to share. Otherwise quit defending cheaters. I play other games where players manipulate the API so I know what it looks like and I know they're doing it here too. I just don't know how because I'm not a programmer. Just because you don't believe it doesn't means it's not happening.

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