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Candy Crush Level 3929 bug?

Yeloperyl Posts: 34

Level 3

I've reported a bug with level 3929 as I've watched all the tutorials and videos and it seems my experience is different. When the liquorice and time bombs start moving at the top, only 3 will display for the entire game. I cannot win. When the first two fall then only 2 liquorice remain - no new liquorice appear at the top. All the videos and tutorials talk about more liquorice appearing at the top that then cascade down but that's not what's happening when I play. Anyone else found this?


  • Wolfgang_Heinze
    Wolfgang_Heinze Posts: 2

    Level 1

    den selben BUG habe ich auch. Ich glaube, das letzte update ist schuld !! Ab diesem Zeitpunkt bekomme ich Candy nur noch auf englisch !! !!
  • Yeloperyl
    Yeloperyl Posts: 34

    Level 3

    edited January 2019
    Ah so it is a bug..... I've cleared my cookies and restarted FB but has been like this for a coupe of days now. Stopped playing it for now.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Yeloperyl and @Wolfgang_Heinz, I would like both of you to please try some troubleshooting and if it doesn't work then I will contact the Community Manager to make her aware of this.

  • Yeloperyl
    Yeloperyl Posts: 34

    Level 3

    I'm using a Mac and Safari (v12.0.2) which is not listed on your links above to test whether you have an up to date browser. Please investigate further as I would like to continue playing.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Yeloperyl, are you using a laptop?  It should follow the same as the browsers troubleshooting.  Click on this link and it should open up to your browser and it will tell you if it's updated.

  • Yeloperyl
    Yeloperyl Posts: 34

    Level 3

    All is up to date according to the link above.

  • Henri_van_Heesch
    Henri_van_Heesch Posts: 4

    Level 1

    i have the same problem.................................the game doesn`t spawn anything new so it`s impossible to get the items needed.....
    please fix this because i would like to move on........
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    I just watched this video and I need to hear from both of you because in this video there was more than 20 available.  What is happening to your game that differs from this video?

  • Yeloperyl
    Yeloperyl Posts: 34

    Level 3

    edited January 2019
    At 0:16 you have 4 liquorice and 2 time bombs. At 0:18 you have 5 liquorice and 1 time bomb. More liquorice and time bombs appear to push the time bombs and liquorice down the sides.

    In my experience, once the first liquorice and first time bomb drops down the side, (0:12) the game stops producing further liquorice or time bombs. Therefore, no new liquorice or time bombs appear that are pushed down the sides. 

    I have never seen in my games past 0:12. I only have for the entire game 1 time bombs and 1 liquorice down each side. Whereas shown in all the videos online, and yours above, more liquorice and time bombs appear at the top to be pushed down the sides.

    You can blast the time bombs at the top but there is only ever 2 liquorice on each side - no further liquorice or time bombs appear. 

    My game can never been finished as there is never more than 6 time bombs in play (need 10) and no further liquorice so you can't achieve 20 liquorice.

    I appreciate you looking into this bug.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Yeloperyl, I'm not sure what is going on with that level.  What I am going to do is to tag @Cezdiamond who is the community manager.  First of all how did this message end up here in Alphabetty Saga when I know that I wrote this morning I was in Candy Crush Saga answering questions.  Now the messages have a glitch and they are jumping around.  @Cezdiamond please move this back to CC Saga and maybe you can look into this level a bit further for the players here.  Thanks.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?