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Gold bars and Profile

Fabulous11 Posts: 1 Newbie

Good Morning All why is it that I have so much gold bars and cant make use of any, i also cant seem to add a profile picture to my profile


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 149,483 Candy Moderator

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    Thank you for the feedback . Game not connected, or some other reason, you may face such problems. You can check out some troubleshooting below.

    Please Check app update - Log out game - Restart Device - Open game and Log in.

    For more Info Here

    If you still aren't able to make any new purchase in the game, please contact Player Support from the game's Settings and Help Center so they can take a closer look at it. Remember to choose "Purchases & Gold Bars" as the subtopic!

    If you're playing connected to a King account, then simply follow these steps:

    Your profile settings can be accessed by tapping on "My account"/"Profile" /"My Profile", depending on the game.


    To change your name or email address:

    1.- Type in your current password

    2.- Change your email or first/last name and tab on submit



    To change your profile picture:

    1.- Tap on the camera icon

    2.- Tap on the "Plus" sign or on Add Picture


    "I can't find the camera icon in my game"

    We’re currently working on the player profile feature, and as a consequence, some players don't have the option to change their profile picture at the moment. There's nothing wrong with your account or device, so don't worry, and please accept our apologies for the inconveniences. 


    Facebook account

    If you are connected to the game via Facebook, your Facebook profile name and picture will show in the game. Simply log into your own Facebook account please, and make the changes there.

    Please note that the changes may take a few hours to be published into your game profile.

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