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🌡 Top That!



  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232
    🙂 It's fun, but could use some tweaks.

    It is generous with the rewards.
    Not a fan of the animation of the big blue candies splashing onto the screen when you pass a level.

  • annabellmoche
    annabellmoche Posts: 7

    Level 2

    Only Top That. I've tried your suggestions and they haven't worked :(

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    That is disappointing to hear @annabellmoche. Have you by any chance recently changed the time on your device? Changing the time on your device whilst a timed feature/Event is running can cause that feature to disappear.

  • GuytoutGuytout
    GuytoutGuytout Posts: 36

    Level 3

    edited May 2024

    yseteday, y play top that .Today,he disappeared.Iwas wel advanded.

  • teenybee
    teenybee Posts: 226
    🙂 It's fun, but could use some tweaks.

    Getting past level 22 with the 8 party poppers+100 gold bars was my aim too. Got 9000 towards the 15000 total while the star tournament was running but it looks like I’m going to fall short playing the new levels released today. They only average 100 blues per level so I’d need to pass 60 levels in less than 2 days - and we only got the usual 45. Yet again, the map-toppers get screwed. Disappointing, as this had the makings of a terrific event.

  • TPS23
    TPS23 Posts: 185
    🙁 Not really enjoying it, it could be better.

    Interesting glitch, minus 578 candies. I will wait for a couple of hours before continuing.

  • teenybee
    teenybee Posts: 226
    🙂 It's fun, but could use some tweaks.

    It’s also not for people at the top of the map.

    I got up to 9,000 of the 15,000 required for the party poppers. Now playing the new levels released today. Only 45 as usual, and averaging less than 100 blues per level - and that’s with extra moves.

    I’m not as good at maths as @christinewupp, but it seems to me that even if I bought infinite lives to try and finish all three episodes in time, it would still be pretty much impossible for me to reach 15,000. How disappointing.

  • steventseng
    steventseng Posts: 11,864
    🥳 Love it! It's exciting and engaging!

    Hi.Sorry, I forgot to take screenshots of some levels.

    The requirements for Top That.

    16=2250(), gold bar 50

    17=1050(), stripe brush for 20 minutes


    19=3300(), unlimited love for 30 minutes

    20=1200(), lollipop hammer for 30 minutes

    21=2250(), 3 stripe brushes

    22=15000(), 8 party fireworks

    23=1200(), lollipop hammer 30 minutes

    24=11250(), Infinite love 80 minutes

    25=15000(), gold bar 250

    Friends, please evaluate whether you want to continue collecting, or just achieve a certain stage goal.

    I'm exhausted. Good night.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,213
    🙂 It's fun, but could use some tweaks.

    I am very impressed @steventseng How did you manage to do that! No wonder you are exhausted! It's such a shame you weren't allowed to play in All Stars…'d have smashed that competition, I'm sure. Thank your very much for all that information on what it would take to get to the top prize. That was beyond helpful!

    I'm halfway to the 8 party poppers this morning, and that's where I'll stop. It's a good prize, but I think the remainder of the event is just too ambitious. It needs tweaking, for next time.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,213
    🙂 It's fun, but could use some tweaks.

    That is interesting @teenybee but not surprising me that you only average 100 blues per level up there at the top of the map. It's often been commented on that the top players are hopelessly disadvantaged in competitions (unless they know certain methods deemed "not fair or in the spirit of the game", of course). I am playing this event at levels just past 1000 and get more than 200 blues on a lot of levels, which I'm sure are also quicker to play through than up and beyond level 15,000. I guess the Star Tournament is still out there and in theory would allow you to play on beyond the new releases?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?