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Free extra moves at end of game

Charly-4 Posts: 125 Level 3
Up until the past few days, I would often be given 5 free moves if I completed the level to within the last 5 moves needed to win (i.e. collected all jelly except 5, for example.) Instead of having to pay for more moves, I would often (at least half the time) be given 5 extra moves and the icon would say it cost $0.  Has this feature been discontinued?  I haven't had it happen for a few days now.

Best Answers



  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend
    Hi @Charly-4, I think this is a glitch.  Some players are reporting that they are now seeing a waiting time frame of 47 hours until the next spin or, like you, it's not working because it's not showing up on your end.  I am elevating this to the Community Manager and she should see your message tomorrow.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend
    Answer ✓
    Hi @Charly-4, I just responded to another message of yours regarding this.  I am elevating it to the Community Manager and she should see your other message tomorrow.
  • Putts
    Putts Posts: 111 Level 3
    My clock to get a free spin for extra moves gets stuck @ 47:51.
    Also if I'm.going to wait two days to get a spin, don't give me jellyfish. I to see it give extra moves no matter what. Maybe have 2- 4-6-8-10 extra moves
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend
    Hi @Randal_Groat, I am going to tag @Cezdiamond who is the Community Manager.  Perhaps she can find out if the studio is working on a fix fir this.
  • Charly-4
    Charly-4 Posts: 125 Level 3
    I'm not sure what exactly a "clock for extra moves is" as I've never had one but when you say above that extra moves are a glitch, do you mean being given 5 free extra moves was a glitch or the fact that I no longer am is a glitch?  At any rate they haven't returned. Not sure what you mean by waiting for a spin for extra moves- I've never seen this. The moves were just offered to me to take for free or quit the round. No spin required.
  • Putts
    Putts Posts: 111 Level 3
    If you don't finish the level there is a wheel you can spin every 48 hours without having to watch a video. I use it and then it stops at 47 hours and 50 minutes and will not longer countdown and doesn't reset every 48 hours.

    As for wheel with extra moves that I mentioned, that does not exist. I only made a suggestion that if I have to wait 48 hours for a new spin I should always get extra moves. Not jellyfish
  • Rumple1
    Rumple1 Posts: 1 Newbie
    Hi every hope u all OK! 😘 I'm new to this and hav only just signed up, even tho i  been playing candy crusgmh friends for ages  How to I get extra lives?? It's a bit 💩💩 that u only get 5 lives xxx
  • Putts
    Putts Posts: 111 Level 3
    Ask friends or there are things to collect that will sometimes give you unlimited lives for a set amount of time
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 36,760 Sweet Legend
    Hi @Rumple1, I am going to ask you to please rewrite your message to the link below because you are asking a Candy Crush Friends Saga question in the wrong community.  This community is for Candy Crush Saga questions. 

    Here is the link for the Candy Crush Friends Saga community.

  • Charly-4
    Charly-4 Posts: 125 Level 3
    Why doesn't everyone have the extra moves wheel option?  I play on Facebook and perhaps the wheel is only available on the phone version?  Soooo frustrating that different players have different options for many things.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?