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Life Requests And Sent Lives: Test



  • I definitely still have cookiemae @Alienscar previously I mentioned that your profile did not have an avatar picture. For the last two days when I select your name to send lives another name Sneaky Melon Duck quickly pops up before it reverts back to Alienscar with the actual avatar. This happens so quickly I don't have time to take a screenshot. Hope this helps. Have a great day everyone😊

    June 15, 2024 -12:54 pm NST

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    Hi @Carol-38🤗 I was looking through my friends and I didn't see you, I thought we were already friends. Are you Carol-38 or another name?

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    @Alienscar I sent you several lives today June 15 for me. Did you receive them? You are not my 🦆.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649
    edited June 2024

    Hi @Kerrie I have received three lives from you today. Thank you very much.

    Do you receive the lives I send you every day?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,080

    I also have @cookiemae as Lilly today, and @Colleen12 as Colleen, rather than NannyC. There are some other players as well whose name on my friends list changes to king plus a number and a player normally called "ND" changed to "Andy". Alienscar is always Alienscar though, except when they're a Sneaky Melon Duck of course… Out of interest I did manage to take a screenshot of that the other day.

    All this is happening while I am having a connection problem, which is very unusual for me. My game is not connecting to the app store, I wonder therefore all these occurences are related to a problem connecting to the server. The moment I tried to open the app on a second device today I lost my connection and all events on all devices, so now I can't send any lives nor play. My apologies to you all.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    Hi @Alienscar I'm full at 200 so I don't know.

    I often wonder how you send so many lives. Do you do it manually from your friends tab? You must have thousands of friends.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    I'm trying to send some now and this is what comes up for all my friends in other accounts too.🤷 Looks like they are making some changes, in my opinion.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,080

    The server is down, I think @Kerrie . Can you connect in your game at all? I can't and judging by other posts no one can connect to the app store in the game?

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    @Alienscar I can't connect to watch ads or buy moves now either. My friends are listed alphabetical and they weren't before. I knew there was something sneaky going on when I saw that.😉

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    I wonder therefore all these occurences are related to a problem connecting to the server. 

    I don't think my issue is server related @christinewupp as my game works fine. I also a have sneaky duck though that works the same as yours and everyone else's. That is I click on the name of the player, it briefly shows the Duck's name and then it immediately reverts back to the player's name. As someone else commented this results in me being able to send life after life to the affected player just by closing and opening the Player Card. It is odd that my Duck is the first player in my list just as everyone else's Duck is their first player.

    Do you do it manually from your friends tab? You must have thousands of friends.

    Yes @Kerrie I send lives one at a time through my friends tab. At last count I had 124 friends not sure how many I have at the moment.

    I send lives more often than I play the game lately though and I find it quite a quick process. On my phone the life sent tick appears before the heart reaches the player's avatar.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?