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Missing gold bars and boosters

Jacquelinegiallanzo Posts: 9 Level 2
edited June 19 in Discussions

I have texted at least 7 or more times! Are you ever gonna respond to me? I forgot my email address and I can’t find my emails! I also am stuck on a level and I need help also. I am ready to quit this game. My name is Jacqueline Giallanzo and my cell number is * Can you please answer me on my Candy Crush Saga page or call me on my cell. I don’t know if you’re getting my texts or not. Or you can just text me instead of emailing me, because I can’t find my emails and I forgot my email address.I am getting sick over this. I suffer from high Anxiety and I suffer from panic attacks so please respond to me and help me. Thank you Jacqueline Giallanzo.

*Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information - Our House Rules


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