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Not receiving lives and they are just not getting it grrrrrr

taloi Posts: 12 Level 2

I have asked for help multiple times in regards to not receiving any lives. And i keep getting this response which is extremely frustrating as I know the lives are capped at 20 and am aware and understand the new changes, yet still receiving messages like this. Let me make myself clear. I AM NOT RECEIVING LIVES! I do not need to worry about the capped number of lives as I DONT GET ANY!!!!!

I really dont mean to sound rude, but seriously i dont think i can make myself any clearer.

Hi T,


Thank you for contacting King Player Support.

I appreciate your message regarding the changes made to the lives of Candy Crush Saga. As you have noticed, now your lives have a capacity limit, and you can verify your max limit by touching the mailbox icon. In the “Lives” tab, next to the small envelope icon, your limit will be displayed there (e.g. 100/100, where the second number is the limit). If you have reached your peak you won’t receive more lives, and since any lives previously saved won’t be lost, it means you won't see any life sent to you until you use the ones you have so you clear up some space for new ones. Also please bear in mind that there is a daily limit of lives that you can receive.


We released this new update as we collected the feedback shared by you and other players and tried to tweak and balance the system so that more lives can be collected, while still maintaining the technical aspects of this change which allow your app to function better by not storing an excess of lives locally on your device.

Until you have more space to receive more lives, you will only be able to send lives to your friends. I hope this won’t affect your gameplay enjoyment, and I'll be sure to pass your feedback to the development team, so thanks for taking the time to share it with us.

Please bear in mind that changes are made constantly to the game itself and its rewards to help keep our players engaged and enjoying sweet new adventures. As such, while we are always dedicated to providing the finest in mobile gaming fun, the team will tweak aspects of the game from time to time to test new features and evaluate possible improvements to ensure our games are well-balanced and viable.

Rest assured, your feedback has been noted for our Development team to take into consideration with future updates and improvements.


I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any other doubts. I will always be here for anything you might need!


Have a great day TINA


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Kind regards,


King Player Support


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