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Yesterday got Elite Candy Royale pop up but today there is no Candy Royale anywhere!



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,073
    edited September 2024

    I have found that the pop-up usually appears at least a day before the event actually appears in my game. I think this is normal. The pop-up serves as a sort of advertisement I think, like all the other pop-ups about the music event coming and that sort of thing. I'm not even sure the pop-up means you will definitely see the event that weekend at all. I have gone some weeks not seeing Candy Royale in my game, quite possibly even though I saw the pop-up, but I don't recall for sure.

    I think we need to take the game as it is @Aries2020. Events that do show up in our game, take best advantage of those, and I probably don't need to tell you that if you do see Candy Royale (and I mean the event actually starting and the 100 player animation showing up) play it through on one log in session to make sure it won't disappear and you win the gold. Events that don't show up I would suggest not to get too stressed about. Candy Crush Saga has been full of glitches for years and King repeatedly claim all is due to different players being part of different test groups, they have this universal get-out argument of "some events may be temporarily unavailable" and if you read the Terms and Conditions of the big events, such as those for the Music Event, there is always such a get-out clause covering everything and anything going wrong to cover their mistakes. King know the game doesn't work right and you are 100% correct in what you are writing about them not caring so long as the masses of new players ignorant of these long term problems will spend enough money on the game to make a profit. For us as players the game is as it is, and I think in order to enjoy playing we need to accept the flaws and make the most of it. Some glitches do in fact work in our favour.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 913
    edited September 2024

    As Christine noted, the 'Elite Challenge' pop-up is just an advertisement that notifies you that the special weekend version of Candy Royale is live. The event itself will pop up in your game when it's due, which may or may not be during the weekend. For me, Candy Royale reappears three and a half days after I win it. If I want to play the special weekend version (I normally do), I need to plan ahead and choose when/if to play during the week to ensure that the next time Candy Royale pops up is over the weekend.

  • I Ihave always finished Candy Royale the same day and another always pops up the next day on all my devices. Same with my mom and lots of other people. Ever since it rolled out. In the last 4 months it started to not appear on some of my devices sporadically, then will reappear in a couple/few days again. But ever since last week, it just went away on all our Android devices, then one an iPad, then at the end of last week and over this weekend it disappeared from all our devices, mine, my mom's, and I've heard from others too. We all got the Elite pop up on Friday, but it hasn't returned at all.

  • Yes, I always finish each Candy Royale session the same day. I always have and I've always had the next one appear the next day. And yes, the elite challenge message pops up every Friday and the actual elite event goes from Saturday to Monday (sometimes Sunday depending on the device). But right now, it's gone from every single device for every single user I personally know, so I don't think it's a test or user group issue, it's another King bug or glitch. And they're ridiculous.

  • Well, it seems King is even worse than we thought. I've always, always, had Candy Royale every single day until the last couple of months. But on a couple of our devices, it has continuously been there every day even if it went away on others. We've always seen the elite pop up on Friday and the event itself went from Saturday to Monday. But we've never seen it disappear completely from everyone's game at the same time like it is right now. Especially, since all of us are still getting the elite challenge coming up notification. Clearly, something is wrong on King's end.

  • Still not there today... I don't know how it's worked for you guys, but for me, my family members and my friends, Candy Royale has always been there, every single day regardless of any other major or regular event going on at the same time. It's never been dependent upon anything else. That's why I'm so confused as to why it's suddenly gone from all devices and all users at the same time. It's not right for King to give access to some events or prizes to some, but not others. Or to randomly take away features from some users and not others or to give special functions to some users and not others. It's unfair and wrong and they are the only developer I know of who functions this way. It's wrong.

  • Hello @Aries2020 I have played several accounts and personally I get it once per week on one account and just about never on the other. I have never had it pop up daily! You must be really lucky to have got it pop up all the time, and I am surprised this is also the case in everyone you know. I have found that the more I win the event the less frequently I get it.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Hi @PummyRaj the Candy Royale has disappeared from my game as well. It was there yesterday, but it has gone today

  • Mine showed up today. I guess I am in the lucky group this weekend.

  • Yeah... Still gone from all devices today, mine, my mom's, etc. This is just ridiculous... I don't understand why King does this...

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?