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Where are all the top level players in the music tournament?



  • Love the name! Thanks for more data! Now I'll have to recalculate…

  • @christinewupp

    Here is my first knockout leaderboard

    US 5211 (me)

    opponents 5561, 3572, 330, 4570, 128, 8241, 5005, 2509, 2346

    countries USA 4, Chile 1, Italy 1, India 2, Romania 1

    Not one player over 10,000

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,146
    edited September 2024

    Thank you @Peaches12 !

    Here are mine (3 games, so total of 27) in 1st Knockouts:


    178, 209, 565, 657, 971, 1383, 1649,

    2363, 2767, 2974, 3681, 3925

    4594, 4841, 4899, 5990

    6153, 6210, 7465, 7584, 7975

    8004, 8800, 9617, 9767



    Not much change there from the first round. Perhaps fewer in the earliest ranges compared, and more in the mid ranges. Still hardly any top players. 🤔

    N.B. Note that yes, I was going to join late in one of those games but the Troll showed up so I decided to pass levels and join, I didn't want to miss out on those party poppers.

  • I joined with 24 hours left on the clock.


    138, 214, 378, 471, 546, 1655

    2181, 3189


    According to the player card, the high-level guy has beaten 195 levels in the past 7 days. Plays fast and seems committed to winning.

  • Thanks for the info. I wonder how come you have so many lower level players and fewer mid level players than those of us starting with 60+ hours to go. Are these the wise ones who know how to get to the finals? It does seem odd someone who played 195 levels in the first round to join this late in the second round. Maybe they got wise. Or maybe it's someone who played levels 0 -195 last week and then got out before the horrible 200s. They wouldn't be the first one to do that.

  • I think they are mostly casual players who don't play daily and don't care much about the tournament. They simply play their regular game.

    195 levels have been passed by the guy with a level of 15,515. Yes, he could have started late intentionally.

  • Thanks to everyone sending in data from the first two rounds.

    I think this should be representative of players entering the tournament as every eligible player passing any one level, old or new, would have been entered into the first round and half of those should have then also played round 2.

    These are the totals from all the data so far:

    Out of a total of 126 co-players on our leaderboards:

    Levels 0-2000 - 56 players (44%)

    Levels 2000-4000 - 24 players ( 19%)

    Levels 4000-6000 - 20 players (16%)

    Levels 6000-8000 - 9 players (7%)

    Levels 8000-10,000 - 8 players (6%)

    Levels 10,000 - 12,000 - 4 players. (3%)

    Levels 13,000 - 14,000 - 3 players (3%)

    Levels 14,000 and above - 2 players (2%)

    This does show that the game is very low level heavy.

    It does ask the question of why there are so few top level players.

    It may be either because there are very few actively playing at those level ranges (playing either stuck on levels or having given up altogether)

    It may also be that King have removed the event from high level players for whatever reason. I have noted that many of our high level community regulars have reported not seeing the event in their games.

  • I made a player level distribution diagram to visualize the data mentioned above.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    Will post my GC game progress when I get home.

    In addition to the oddness of MannyFae getting the tournament when they're not supposed to, I have another: I didn't have access to my SS game since I work remote on Fridays (when the 1st Knockout Round started), yet when I open the app today, I get…

    It stands to reason I should've been eliminated here. Will see what happens when the timer expires…

  • How wonderful! I wouldn't know how to do that! If you or anyone else would like to carry on with the data collection that would be great. Unfortunately I will not have time to compete in the next rounds.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?