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My ultimate test: purple candy collection

So here I go again:

The ultimate test to help finalise a strategy to win purple candy collection events.

The Lantern event qualifier rounds lends itself beautifully. In fact I'm lucky to not get sidetracked by my Cornflower game on this, as it did not receive this event. So I can test out who is at an advantage using Poppy which is at the end of the map, and a new account. This way I can do some controlled runs.

This is what I set out to find out:

  1. How do the super colour bomb and win streak boosters affect the purple candy score? (i.e. is it worth keeping your win streak for these events?)
  2. How many purple candies do different episodes yield? (i.e. are certain level ranges at an advantage?)
  3. How can I personally maximise my strategy in the earlier rounds to save gold/boosters so that I don't run out in the finals rounds?
  4. How many levels and how much gold will I need to complete the event?

Questions 3 and 4 are personal and will only be of interest if Cornflower is included in All Stars and if I don't happen to be on holiday again like I was last year. (Family always comes first)

Questions 1 and 2 should be of interest to any player wishing to participate in a purple candy collection event.

I have already found out a number of other things about the algorithms that I wasn't even looking for. This is always the way with my tests. I'll mention this in other threads.



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076
    edited January 24

    My method for first round:

    Playing to keep win streak

    Levels range starting level 231

    Counting purple candy score per episode (using the leaderboard count at start and finish)

    Using best methods to try and extract as many purple candies as game will allow without wasting boosters. This means trying to draw out some levels, which is easiest in dragon levels without risking failure.

    Playing starting colour bomb and wrap stripe on all levels, third booster on super hard/nightmarishly hard/legendary levels

    Paying maximum of 10 gold +/- boosters as necessary to keep win streak

    No cheating or using methods not in the spirit of the game*


    Piggy - new player.

    (*Piggy had the blue/red/yellow/green levels up to level 200, so I will declare here that I used a method not intended by King but available to all players to zoom through those early levels as quickly as possible to actually get to some purple candies in the first place. But no more cheating after reaching level 200)

    Playing with super colour bomb enabled and with win streak boosters.

    Poppy - end of map player scrolling back to the same levels

    Using the same method exactly but lacking the starting boosters and super colour bomb .

    Scores will show up without the multiplier for anyone replaying old levels, so I multiply myself by 30 to make it comparable.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076


    Episodes Levels 231- 245

    Piggy scored 57,630 purple (including 30x multiplier)

    Poppy scored 51,000 purple (multiplying my actual score by 30 myself)

    Episode levels 245-260

    Piggy scored 66,390 purple

    Poppy scored 51,300 purple

    To be continued….

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Next episode: levels 261-275

    Piggy: 47,370

    Poppy: 47,520

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,649

    Just to clear something up @christinewupp are you going to play offline for a few levels to see if you still receive the X30 bonus.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    I had thought about it. I wasn't going to do it, but yes given you've asked I will.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Now here's a little side track:

    To give my Poppy game a chance I decided to play some new levels for the 30x multiplier, which in this case can only be the Star Tournament.

    You will need some party poppers and UFOs for this, BUT the yield per level is remarkable. I managed to score 79,380 points for 15 levels, which is equivalent to one episode. These are good levels for purple candies. Many of these are unadulterated older levels from the upper reaches of the game. So anyone with party poppers and enough gold can definitely win a purple candy competition using the Star Tournament. The yield is much better than that of levels 17,000 to the end of the game. Star Tournament levels have fewer colours. At the moment, that is. King might change that at any time as they choose which levels are included.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914

    Episode levels 381-395: 50,080

    Episode levels 396-410: 46,950

    Episode levels 411-425: 61,080

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076
    edited January 24

    Thank you for the info. That is very helpful.

    I lost my super colour bomb when I entered the next episode, for no reason. But I don't think it makes any significant difference at all to our scores.

    Episodes without the super colour bomb were: 276-290 : 55,320

    290- 305 : 50,130

    Tomorrow I'll take a look at 6000+ by scrolling back. I think both my games are safe now for the next round, so I can afford to experiment. Good luck with your game!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,076

    Yes @Alienscar I played one episode offline and when I went back online my score shown did increase by the 30x multiplier.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 914

    I lost my Super Color Bomb very quickly too, so these results are without it. Agreed about it not making a significant difference. It just makes going much smoother at higher levels.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?