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Not fair tournament

vita1979 Posts: 5

Level 2

Hi, why I'm with level 18 000 +, have to compete with levels under 100 the best 1000???? How possible to win????.

Levels under 1000, even under 5000 it's way more easy, do you agree??

Is it possible, to make fair contests?

Thank you



  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 58

    Level 3

    The tournament is for testing stuff. You are against low levels to see how much you can make vs someone under 1000. This is 100% intentional. It is not intended to be fair. If they had you against other 18K+ the data gained would be pretty useless.

    Also realize your level range represents the vast minority of players. I suspect sub 10K is the bulk of the players. That is where King is going to focus.

    Is it fair? Nope but not much is when it comes to mobile.

  • Nan_68
    Nan_68 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    Ésto hace que sea una competencia desleal

    No cuidan a jugadores de años

  • ThisGameShldEnd
    ThisGameShldEnd Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited 2:41AM

    That doesn't make any sense at all... I belong to the "vast minority" levels but the other seven players are all below level 100. I think this is more on tempting the single high level player to complete more levels which may entail some purchases.

    If it really is for testing purposes, why am I the only player in higher levels? I don't agree that mobile apps are designed to be unfair, there got to be robust discipline and principles that King should follow ALL the time... otherwise, how can they attract purchases from players who are in their right mind/senses...

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 58

    Level 3

    My whole point was that for what King needs to test, this is all for All-Stars, very few people do it at the high levels. They need to test where most players are and where purple candies are more plentiful.

    They will need a few high level players to see if they can tweak drop numbers to keep it from being completely unbalanced.

    Another way to put it, the people who will shell out the most will not be playing at 18K, it is objectively too expensive.

    Also the days of companies have much in the way of ethics is dead. 2020 and the insane influx of money due to Covid made everyone really greedy. It is slowly getting better since inflation killed a lot of peoples disposable income but it will be years before things settle down.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,104
    edited 8:27AM

    Hello @ThisGameShldEnd As you are mentioning 7 other players I get the impression you are writing about the weekly race. If this is so you might be interested in my thread here, which explains that this is a manufactured fake event and we almost all get opponents that started playing the previous week.

    I like your questioning how King are trying to "attract purchases from players who are in their right mind/senses…". That is a fair comment and I agree: I actually think King don't care about attracting such players at all. I think King are actively seeking to attract the other group, the ones who think they can make money from this game because they read some online rumour about it, and who don't understand how the game fools and manipulates them. The reason I think this is because they have made the levels 0-3000 foolproof: Anyone can zoom through these levels now as all elements that require players to use their brains have been removed from the game.

  • Pyrospring
    Pyrospring Posts: 58

    Level 3

    What was the number of levels completed last year for All-Stars? I wonder if they know everyone just makes a new account for All-Stars and just set up the first 3000 for them.

  • vita1979
    vita1979 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Yes!!! That's right... I talk about weekly race...and I'm sick and tired of it

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,104

    I have found that if I don't play any new levels for an entire week King give me extra easy opponents in my weekly race. They are still new players, but new players that don't play at all! I don't know exactly how they do it, but they can fix how strong the opposition is, and if we play a reasonable amount of levels they just put in some players that will be stronger than ourselves. It's really best to ignore this event altogether now. I do, because I cannot win it any more. The better you are the stronger the players they pick for you!

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,104

    The winning scores in the past two years were in the range of 4.5-5.5 million over 24 hours. Assuming that the winners played more or less non-stop for the entire period (it's just that competitive there is no choice to rest) we can calculate it from there. One episode scores about 55,000 purple on average.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 917

    I recall that nearly everyone who made it to the top 20 in the last round in my group had played 2,000 or more levels in the last 7 days, and someone had played more than 3,000 levels. Given that the majority of the levels were played during the final week of the tournament, I think most top players completed around 3,000 levels in total.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?