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๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ How are YOU preparing for All Stars?



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,211
    edited 8:13AM

    Just to point out @Nobody1: It is NOT possible to transfer gold bars between accounts. If you start a new account and then log into your existing account the new gold bars will be lost. All that players can do is spend the gold to buy boosters before logging into their existing account.

    I think that the merging of accounts is probably now something that King would class as "unfair play" so I don't recommend it for anyone who wishes to participate in All Stars. For this reason I have never merged any other account into my Cornflower account. Ok, I think I did it once only, but that was a test account which also had never used any cheats or glitches and earned its boosters honestly.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 120

    Hi. @christinewupp @Pyrospring @Nobody1 is this possible to have 16 hours of sweet cinema per day. I have it only once a day that too not in one go. If i watch ads and pop 4 candies then for the next time I'll have to wait for about 6 hours to get next chance to watch ad and to pop a candy. Totally i only get 16 chances to get boosters out of which 5 are empty candies. So net boosters are only 11. I'm at level 4800ish. Is this because I'm at low level or only top players get 16 hours of sweet cinema. I'm not complaining just asking. Does this watching ads feature differ from one player to another. Isn't same for all. Also @Nobody1 I'm sorry to hear that you've not gotten that warm up tournament in your game. I'm keeping my hopes up for you, and i believe by today evening you will have it in your game.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 120

    @morganleeoregon Do not openly say how many boosters and gold bars you've in your game. What if king members read your post and find a way to make you to lag behind in this tournament. I'm not saying this to discourage you. Just being cautious. Isn't this an open platform/forum. What if king have a spy or someone.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,211

    Hi @zeus77 No I don't think it's possible to watch Sweet Cinema for 16 hours per day! Errโ€ฆโ€ฆ.if anyone did that and especially if they did this for 18 months, that would be very sorry state of being and complete waste of their lives. Of course it's an overstatement and I'm not sure what it was meant to achieve.

    I don't use ads or sweet cinema as I hate watching them (what a waste of my precious time!) but on the rare occasions when I did log into Sweet Cinema then yes, there were time delays in my game as well. I think anyone who can use this feature non-stop is probably experiencing a glitch. Using glitches is deemed "unfair play" by King. I would not recommend anyone to exploit any glitches in the game in the run-up or during the All Stars competition because this will lead to exclusion. I expect King to be ruthless this year in their quest to eliminate unfair play, and I can see that many honest players will fall by the wayside in a "friendly fire" kind of situation. In fact this already seems to have started as some players do not see the event in their games even though they are located in eligible countries.

  • zeus77
    zeus77 Posts: 120

    Oh okay. Umm apart from queenb is there someone who can help @Nobody1. I want him/her to participate in this tournament. Contacting support team is waste. I mailed them thrice asking for help since my daily treat machine isn't working, got only an automated reply every time. There should be a team dedicated to help players in these times where grievance like they are not included in tournament like all stars which is a big event. King should be super rich, can't he/she afford a team to help players. I may get banned or strike for even writing this. All I'm saying is all players who play fair should get a chance in this tournament.

  • Elviramartinez_61
    Elviramartinez_61 Posts: 2,098
    Grinding levels non-stop ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ”ฅ


  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 183

    As for having that many hours to watch Sweet Cinema, I'm sure @morganleeoregon is referring to being in the game watching for the ads for 16 hours a day, and that is probably an approximation/exaggeration. Basically watching all the time - multitasking, while doing other things. That's what I do. I may not really do 16 hours, but I often do 12-14 hours in a day if I don't have to go anywhere. I just keep it up and click whenever I see an ad pop up, and otherwise ignore it. To collect 10,000 boosters of each type (under the old Sweet Cinema, with 9 chances at 5 boosters) would take about 1000 hours of actually watching ads, which is really just 42 days of 24-hour watching sessions. Spread out over 18 months, it's quite possible, depending on the market.

    I suspect the ad watching availability is heavily influenced by market. I'm in a relatively urban area in the US, so I get a decent number of ads. I would imagine somewhere like New York City or Chicago or Los Angeles would get even more than I get. But if you're in a part of the world where there aren't as many ad buyers, there are probably a lot less ads available. Probably @morganleeoregon is in a really good ad market area. The numbers do seem believable. I'm really impressed by @morganleeoregon 's accomplishments!

  • morganleeoregon
    morganleeoregon Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I may have a huge amount of boosters but my strategy is potentially doomed to fail. My skills require boosters but I won't have my arsenal in the live final round in Los Angeles.

    I tracked down a couple of the live final round players from previous years. They told me each players gets a new account and a tiny set of boosters in the finals. I won't have my arsenal.

    I even watch ads when I work and drive. Everyone at my corporate job knows I'm chasing the ring and accepts I watch ads and still give 100% dedication to work.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,211

    Wow, you really are serious! Well, you needn't worry about competition from me because I only want to get to the finals group and I'd love to win it as well, but I'm not travelling to California for any live final. So even if I win my group the next player behind me would get to go. If the live finals were in Europe I'd love to attend but not the USA as I neither want to go there nor is it practical as I won't be rearranging a family holiday we already have booked for June 14th.

  • Nobody1
    Nobody1 Posts: 183

    @morganleeoregon I think you might underestimate your chances in the live final. Remember - everyone else who gets there probably needed to do the same sort of thing in order to reach it. Which means they too probably rely a whole lot on boosters normally. People who go without boosters have no chance of making the live final. You have to be hitting boosters like crazy to achieve the speed needed, no matter how good you are. I suspect you have as much chance as anyone else there.

    But of course, the hard part is even getting there. There are bound to be many more than 10 people with that kind of arsenal in the final stage online, and they'll all be pretty good at putting up numbers fast. So in the end, probably the biggest factor to getting there is to get lucky and be the best in your particular last stage group. I hope both you and @christinewupp manage to be in groups where you can win - it would be fun to have several people from here win the online portion.

    I think that it's really nice that you were able to talk to previous live finalists. I have often wondered if the scenario you describe was what happened - I'm kind of glad it works that way, since it seems the fairest approach. Thank you for that insight.

    Still no sign of All-Stars in my game this morning, I'm afraid. I played a few levels in the Star Tournament, and scored 6-6-3-6 without any boosters - quite amazingly lucky.

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