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Synchronize with new Facebook account

AnastasiaRodos Posts: 11 Level 2
Can you please help me? ?  I am desperate  :( I created a new Facebook account and when I log in candy crush with my new account it starts again with level 1!Please help me synchronize my new account on candy crush.. I play this game for years and I. Have so many friends on Facebook. That plays too.. What can I do? P.s. I don't know the password for the old Facebook.. 

Best Answers

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓
    Can you please help me? ?  I am desperate  :( I created a new Facebook account and when I log in candy crush with my new account it starts again with level 1!Please help me synchronize my new account on candy crush.. I play this game for years and I. Have so many friends on Facebook. That plays too.. What can I do? P.s. I don't know the password for the old Facebook.. 
    You synced before with any facebook or this first time you want to sync..
    Please let me know 😀

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 29,461 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓
    I am glad that the support could help you.
    Never give up !

    Happy Crushing



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