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Can't reset password because my old email has been closed. How can I get a new password?

IMcFly Posts: 8 Level 2

I have purchased a new iPad to replace my old one. I need to transfer all my old apps to the new iPad. 

I cannot open the link to my Candy Crush password reset because my old email account no longer exists. How can I get a new link sent my new email? I looked here first and followed the steps to contact King customer care and I eventually got a reply. But each time I replied stating what my problem was, they wrote back as if they hadn't seen what I had written. After this to-ing and fro-ing, they have now closed my ticket, as they said I hadn't responded to their emails! I'm beyond frustrated as I have responded to them each time they've written to me! Can someone help, please? I'm on Level 2752 and don't want to lose my progress.



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