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  • Hello @Scooterpie - it's wonderful to meet a fellow Arctophile (aka Bear lover).  I'd love to see your collection.  I've been collecting for a very long time. Steiff still makes some growlers but I think a lot of them would be in antique Teddy Bears.  Do you have a lot of those?  I just have two antique bears (but over 300 beanie baby bears).  My husband and kids (two grown and married daughters) - think of my obsession as some sort of incurable disease 😆🤣😁 but they have been known to give me a bear or two over the years and my husband puts up with me displaying bears all over the house.  🐨
    @bearwithme! That is so AWESOME! 
  • Hey! BTW, my name is Trixie or TheRevenger. (Neither is my actual name) I am a tween.
    Please don't mind that I don't give much info about myself.
    I love reading and dancing. And of course playing CCS.
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,928
    Hello @TheRevenger - glad you like my bear collection and don’t worry about how much info you do or don’t give out. Whatever you are comfortable with is fine. Welcome to the Beginners Corner. 😊🐨
  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    Hi there @candycrushinit! I like your polar bear! I did not see your posts until today. I think that tagging is not working correctly right now.

  • I'm happy to hear that @Scooterpie =) 

  • summer2201
    summer2201 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Hi Summer here.  I love playing Candy crush it takes my mind off of everything crazy in my life. Currently going through a breakup with an abusive narcissist.  It's very difficult and I'm just happy I have this game to distract me from thinking about him. 

    Thanks bye. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @sdummer2201, welcome to our corner.  Oh I can understand where you're at!  My background is in psychology and I learned those personality disorders so very well.  Good for you for the breakup!  It's not an easy thing to do so I can totally understand your need to unwind and play the game.
  • Alright, I am bored so I am going to ask everyone what they like doing in their spare time. I'll start. I Irish dance, read anything I can get my hands on, and hang out with my friends from youth group.
  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650
    edited December 2019
    Hi, @TheRevenger
    In my spare time I play an acoustic guitar just for fun.
    Does anyone else play a musical instruments?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?