Hi the_revenger, no one is ignoring you. Maybe no one is coming here to check messages. I just off my couch for 2 minutes to check things and then heading back to watch TV again! I love Yeti!
Mr dear friend @the_revenger! You are not being meloddramatic! You are being human! And you have a right to your feelings and to express them. I am a feelings person so I can read other people's hearts and do you know? I really enjoy it when my heart can reach out to another heart!
So what happened with your account? Once you create a new account you already found out that your badges and points don't carry over with you. Was it just the password that got messed up?
I accidentally tapped "log out" in the configurations tab. When I tried to sign back in I got everything right except I couldn't remember the password! Sadly, my email has decided never to work again so I can't request a new password.
You just have to type in your email address and then click on "forgot?" and they will send you a temporary password to get you back in. Once you're in then you go to your settings and change it to your password.