Please, let's have this resolved right here!
The more you prolong your decision, the more
damage this game will sustain and the harder
it is for you to recover and put this back to where
it was before the Board Reset Change was
imposed. You can't control the spread of anger
in the Social Media. Words spread like a
wildfire. You can't blame this on us your loyal
players who've supported you for 7 long
years. You can bring this back before
the New Year temporarily until you can
come up with an honest explanation
for pulling this feature out. Maybe
by that time a lot of us have
calmed down and
can keep an
open mind
to accept your
your explanation if we all agree
that it makes sense and good enough.
Today is New Year's Eve! Let's spread happiness in this Community!
Happy New Year to you King Games, the Team
and all the dedicated players who joined us
in the support for Free Board Reset
See you at 2020!