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(FINISHED) Win Gold Bars! Can you find the differences?



  • Elena_zapata2020
    Elena_zapata2020 Posts: 56

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    Las diferencias que encontré son:
    1: un bastón de caramelo
    2: el número 5 en el corazón.
    3: una estrella en el nivel 879.
    4: the settings symbol.
    5: dino the dragon beby's hair tail.
    6: the map.
    7: the hair on the back of mr. Toffy.
    8: the points of the mouth of the smallest snowman.

  • cking3496
    cking3496 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Didnt complete correct

    1. Top has 5 

  • cking3496
    cking3496 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Wow u did GREAT!!, I couldn't figure out how to use the backwards P to hide my answers 😁
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,552
    cking3496 said:
    Wow u did GREAT!!, I couldn't figure out how to use the backwards P to hide my answers 😁

    Are you still having trouble using the spoiler box?  Look at the area where you are going to be typing your message.  Look at the icons above the blank area and from the left it is the 6th one.  Click on that and then click on spoiler when the drop box opens and then you will have a gray space to put your response.
  • Sambam
    Sambam Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I found 8 differences
    1. The number 5 is missing in the second pic. 
    2.setting Button's symble is missing in the second one. 
    3. Only one star in second pic. One star is missing. 
    4. Dino's hair disappeared near to his one ear👂 
    5. Tiffi's ponytail missing. 
    6. Little snowman's four dotted mouth is missing. 
    7.stick is missing behind the snow man. 
    8.The blue square icon's inside white design is missing. 

    All the best everyone

  • cking3496
    cking3496 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Thanks much, but is it to late to reply? I have seen all the answers now😁

  • Avena
    Avena Posts: 1

    Level 1

    5 inside heart, wheel inside settings, dashes and dots inside second box down on right, star above level 679, candycane above snowman.

  • slickpulla
    slickpulla Posts: 9

    Level 2

    The settings sign, the white map sign in the block on the right side, the 5on the life sign, candy cane missing, and snow man mouth missing, mustach missing  off dragons mouth.

  • Kai_Parker
    Kai_Parker Posts: 8

    Level 2

    1.Smile from the small snowman. 2. Map symbol off the blue button. 3. Candy cane from the snow near the top. 4. The cog image from the settings icon. 5. A star from level 379. 6. The number 5 from the lives indicator heart and 7.the hair from the dragons head is missing 

  • 1.Smile from the small snowman. 2. Map symbol off the blue button. 3. Candy cane from the snow near the top. 4. The cog image from the settings icon. 5. A star from level 379. 6. The number 5 from the lives indicator heart and 7.the hair from the dragons head is missing 

    @Kai_Parker you had to use the spoiler for the comment but you can re-comment , the spoiler is found on the inverted p \ mirror image of the bold "P" in the comments section
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